FAITH: ‘We need to follow Him every day’: Cold Springs’ Drew Dykes talks about his relationship with God

Cold Springs’ Drew Dykes. (Courtesy of Drew Dykes)

BREMEN, Ala. — Drew Dykes is a senior at Cold Springs High School this year and in this interview, he talked about how God has helped shape him into the person that he is today. He shared his favorite Bible verse and has a couple of Godly role models in his life that he looks up to.

“He has changed my life in a big way. He’s the only reason that I can live every day. I know that He died for me, and I could never repay that price back to Him, but the least I can do is try to honor Him in everything that I do. Even if I mess up, I know that He’s still there for me, and He will get me through the highs and lows of life,” Dykes said. “Isaiah 40:31 is probably my favorite. It just says that if we walk with Christ, He will guide us through anything that comes your way. If you trust in the Lord, you will soar on wings like eagles. You will run and not grow weary. You will walk and not faint,” Dykes said. “My dad’s one of my Godly role models, He’s a preacher, and he is just a good Godly man who teaches me how to be better every day. I’m blessed to have him in my life, and I’m thankful for him every day. Coach Casey Howell is another one. He is just really good about reminding me and my teammates to always keep God first, no matter what.”

Drew wants to help people find God, and he is continuing to grow his faith every single day.

“I think it’s very important to help them find God. If you start pouring into them while they are young, then they will have it with them as they get older. Growing up is hard, and I think having God by your side makes it a lot better,” he said. “Growing in my faith and trying to be a good example that people can follow is something that I’ve been working on. I’m trying to be a good mentor for them. By no means am I perfect at all, but I just think that’s what we all need right now: to be Godly people and Godly role models. I just think that it’s great to teach people, especially in sports, to not just be good athletes, but good people, and following God helps with all of that.”

Drew gave some advice to those people that want a relationship with God but don’t quite know how to do that. He talked about some of the routines that he does with his team before a race, and what he has learned during his journey so far.

“Jesus paid the ultimate price by dying on the cross for our sins. We don’t deserve it, but that’s the great thing about Him: we don’t have to. All he asks is that we take up our cross daily and follow Him. Yes, that’s going to take sacrificing things of this world, but at the end of the day, it’s all going to be worth it when we are in the kingdom of heaven with God,” Dykes said. “It’s very hard, but He’s the way, the truth, and the life, and we need to follow Him every day. When we mess up, He will forgive you. You just have to repent and turn away from those evil things. He is an all-loving God,” he said. “We pray as a team before every race. What I’ve learned so far is that life is very hard, and you will try to search for answers in a lot of wrong things, but the only one that will never fail you is Jesus, and I truly believe that.”

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