Ross Campbell takes seat on Vinemont Town Council

Ross Campbell (pictured far right) is the newest member of the South Vinemont Town Council. Pictured left to right are Teresa Campbell, Judge Tammy Brown and Ross Campbell. (Cheyenne Sharp)

VINEMONT, Ala. – Newly appointed Vinemont Town Councilman Ross Campbell was official sworn in at the council’s meeting on Tuesday, June 11. Campbell took Place 3, which was vacated by Charlotte Cosper in April.

Campbell was appointed to the seat after a vote on Monday, June 6, killed fellow hopeful Grady Malone’s nomination (

The Honorable Judge Tammy Brown performed the swearing in after asking Campbell’s wife, Teresa, to hold the Bible.

Councilwoman Nina Justice was the one to second Campbell’s initial nomination to the council and also the first to make a motion that he be accepted as a voting member of the Town of South Vinemont Council. Town Clerk Kayecea Sasser held a roll-call vote with no nays making Campbell the newest member.

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