Cullman City Council hears challenge to new north-side development 

(W.C. Mann for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. — The Cullman City Council on Monday evening held a public hearing to consider an ordinance to rezone property belonging to the corporation N31, LLC, located at the intersection of U.S. Highway 31 and Alabama Highway 157, from B-2 business to R-4 residential that would allow the construction of an apartment complex or other “high-density” housing as well as single family homes. The proposed rezoning previously received a favorable recommendation from the Cullman City Planning Commission.

Cullman resident Patty Phillips addressed the council during the public comment portion of the meeting, and again during the hearing, expressing concern about the increase in traffic such a development could bring to the area, along with potential safety issues. She also said that the city had not planned infrastructure in that area to support such a development.

“I feel our neighborhood will be forever changed by the development, from what I have learned about it, so far,” said Phillips.

N31, LLC, which shares an address with contracting firm Eidson & Associates, was represented at the meeting by Taylor Eidson. 

Eidson responded, “I can’t say that it won’t increase traffic on the street, but there is currently planned two exits out of there,” indicating that the development would open out to both roads it will front. He added that his company has ordered a traffic study, but conceded that he did not have the results yet.

When Phillips asked what would happen if the results came back showing problems, she was assured that the developer would have to present that information to the planning commission, which could order changes to the plan. The measure before the council did not involve approval of the development plan, but only consideration of the rezoning request.

The council gave a first reading to the proposed rezoning ordinance, but took no action. It could vote on the ordinance at its next meeting on Monday, Dec. 4, 2023.

Other council business

The council approved:

  • A request from 1 Stop Food & Fuel, 1617 Fourth Street SW, for a retail table wine and beer off-premises alcohol license
  • A resolution to extend the annual pipe bid with Bear Concrete Products until Nov. 30, 2024.
  • A resolution to accept Alabama Department of Transportation TAP grant funds of $800,000 for streetscape improvements along portions of Fourth Avenue Southwest and Fourth Street Southwest
  • A resolution to enter into an agreement with ALDOT for sidewalks and streetscape improvements on Fourth Avenue Southwest and Fourth Street Southwest
  • A resolution to approve change orders for Jim Cooper Construction Company, Inc. for the OmniPlex Civic Center, to allow the company to reconfigure doors and make changes to the electrical system at a cost increase of approximately $6,000
  • A resolution to enter into a lease agreement for a building located at 3040 County Road 703.
  • A resolution to authorize the mayor to enter into a Recovered Resource Revenue Agreement with the Solid Waste Disposal Authority of the City and County of Alabama

The council also held a first reading of an ordinance to approve the Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday from Feb. 23-25, 2024, and on the last full weekend of February each year thereafter. The council can vote on the measure at its next meeting.

The Cullman City Council meets next at 7 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 4, at Cullman City Hall. The public is invited to attend.

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