Cullman City Schools appoints Jill Bradberry to open board seat

Jill Bradberry stands next to her husband, Cullman Fire Rescue Chief Brian Bradberry, as she is sworn in as the newest member of the Cullman City School Board by Cullman County District Court Judge Rusty Turner on Thursday, July 27, 2023. (Cullman City Schools)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman City School Board on Thursday, July 27, appointed Cullman native Jill Bradberry to the board, filling the seat formerly held by Joey Orr. Orr recently stepped down to take a new position working at the Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce.

Bradberry is a lifelong resident of Cullman County, and currently has two children attending Cullman High School. Bradberry holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree and currently serves as a senior vice president-compliance officer at CommerceOne Bank. She is also a member of Cullman First Baptist Church and volunteers in preschool ministry, is a member of The Share Club and previously served as a member of the Cullman Farm-City Committee. Through her role as a parent, she’s also been involved in fine arts, athletics, career technical classes and school leadership clubs over the past several years across all levels of Cullman City Schools.

“It is an honor to have been chosen to fill the vacant position on the school board. This is an important position and I understand the decisions that our school board makes impact the future of our children as well as our teachers and staff,” Bradberry said. “My parents were both educators and they instilled in me the importance of being involved and giving back to the community. I witnessed firsthand their challenges as educators, but also what an impact that they made in the lives of their students. Our educators leave a lasting impression on the lives of the students that they instruct.”

Bradberry noted her tenure serving in the banking and finance industry gives her a unique perspective on the importance of fiscal responsibility, implementing changes to technology, interpreting regulations, following policies and procedures and project management.

“I look forward to establishing a collaborative relationship with school personnel as well as the community,” she said. “I aspire to be transparent with all stakeholders to ensure that policies promote accountability and responsible use of resources.”

Bradberry said infrastructure, student and staff safety, support and resources for teachers and staff, technology and mental health initiatives are among her top priorities while joining the board.

“Certainly, student safety/well-being and infrastructure are on the minds of our community. I will do my part to listen to our community, our teachers and our administrators,” she said. “It takes a team approach to solve problems and I know we have a board that displays exemplary teamwork to make complex decisions that affect our schools and community. I am excited to work with the board and Superintendent (Kyle) Kallhoff. I will strive to be an active and engaged board member and will hold myself accountable to our faculty, students and our community.”

Bradberry has been married to her husband Brian Bradberry for 22 years.

She will serve out the remainder of Orr’s current term by appointment through 2025, at which time the seat will be back on the ballot for voters to formally fill the role permanently for the next term.