Cold Springs FCCLA wins at national conference

Cold Spring High School students Savannah Bischoff, Ellanora Slusser and Sophia Slusser (Stephanie Blair)

BREMEN, Ala. – The Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) National Leadership Conference (NLC) was held July 2-6 in Denver, and Cold Spring High School students Savannah Bischoff, Ellanora Slusser and Sophia Slusser, along with their advisor, Stephanie Blair, were in attendance, as were  more than 8,000 FCCLA members from across the country. Cold Springs brought home several awards.

The conference provided the Cold Springs students with opportunities to listen to inspiring speakers, attend learning sessions, compete nationally and network with other leaders. The theme of this year’s conference was “Incredible,” which inspired attendees to discover the unlimited possibilities within their reach while exploring career opportunities, developing leadership skills and growing personally while making a difference in their families and communities and learning from industry experts.

Bischoff, Ellanora Slusser and Sophia Slusser participated in one of the 30 Family and Consumer Sciences-related Competitive Events offered at NLC, including STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Events. These STAR Events support foundational leadership and workplace skills in areas such as advocacy, culinary arts and entrepreneurship.

Bischoff achieved Gold in the “Fashion Design” level two (for ninth and 10th graders) Category. She also received second place overall in the Fashion Design Level two competition. 

Ellanora Slusser achieved Gold in the “Fashion Design” level three (11th and 12th graders) competition. This competition consists of the students creating a clothing label, designing a four-piece collection and constructing one collection sample using an original flat pattern designed by the student.  The students also exhibit knowledge of all the aspects that surround design, including design basics, fabric choice and pricing. The students had to prepare a portfolio, a sample garment and an oral presentation.

Sophia Slusser achieved Silver in the “Chapter in Review Display” level two category. She recognized the local Cold Springs FCCLA Chapter that developed and implemented a well-balanced program of work and promoted FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences to the community.  She had to prepare a display and a 15-minute oral presentation.

Blair was recognized as being an adviser who has been successful in achieving Master Adviser Recognition, devoting years to assist new advisers, assuming adult leadership roles in FCCLA, attending training workshops and using national and state FCCLA resources.