PREP SOFTBALL: ‘Push yourself’: Fairview’s Ada Fales talks sophomore season

Fairview’s Ada Fales. (Nick Griffin/The Cullman Tribune)

FAIRVIEW, Ala. — The Fairview Lady Aggies are coming off another good softball season as they finished just one game shy of a trip to Regionals. Sophomore Ada Fales talked about that season, what she learned and what it was like playing with a great group of teammates.

“I felt like we had a good season. I learned a lot this year. A big one, though, is that you need your teammates to pick you up, no matter what it’s about. Another thing I learned is no matter how many people think negatively or talk down on you, don’t let that bring you down. Use that to prove them wrong,” Fales said. “It gave me some of the best memories and friendships.”

She added,

“You can’t just play by yourself. There isn’t a me or an I when you’re all playing together. It isn’t going to work out if we aren’t all working together. I realized now that this isn’t going to last forever, and I need to take advantage of it while I still can and work my hardest to get to where I want to be.”

Ada played for a great head coach and the Lady Aggies will be getting a new coach for the upcoming season.

“Coach Annie King was great. She’s the only coach I ever played under until now. She taught us lots of stuff, from softball all the way to life lessons,” Fales said. “We have a new coach: Brian Simmons, who is our weight trainer. He brings structure and discipline to the team. He has a lot of organization and is good with us. I’m super excited for this upcoming season and what it has in store for us.”

Ada played with senior Jaycee Aleman and learned a very important lesson from her. She also talked about how much her game has grown through the years, what she will work on in the offseason to get ready for next season, and her goal and the team goal.

“She was great to play with. She usually had a pretty good attitude. Jaycee taught everyone on the team that all it takes one person to lead,” she said. “It has grown tremendously. My progress videos of hitting have come so far. I’m currently getting back into pitching, so I’ll be working a lot on that, and my hitting. My individual goal is to be a starter again next season and my team goal is to make it to state.”

Ada thinks this upcoming season will be a special one for Fairview, and she talked about a special role model in her life right now, plus the best advice that she was ever given.

“We have a lot of talent coming back, plus we have a new coach in coach Simmons. I personally think he brings a lot to the table,” she said. “My sister is one of my biggest role models and supporters. She taught me that you have to push yourself and step out of your comfort zone to have success. You have to be willing to put in that extra effort to get to where you want to be. The best advice she’s ever given me is to always do what’s right, not what’s easiest.”

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