Main gate at A.G. Hicks Stadium named in honor of Sylvia Morgan

(L-R) Nancy Parris, Sheila Everett, Sylvia Morgan, Sherry Smothers, John Everett. (Todd Walker/The Cullman Tribune)

ADDISON, Ala. — One of the great things about high school sports in Alabama is the people involved in them. I’m not talking about just the players and coaches or even the fans. I’m talking about the thousands of volunteers that make things happen. Without these volunteers, be they parents, relatives or just folks looking to help out, the games could not be played. These are people that volunteer their time, money and effort and who rarely get recognized.

The Winston County Board of Education at the request of Addison High School chose to honor and recognize a very deserving and beloved member of the Addison Family. The main entrance to the Addison High School Football Field, A.G. Hicks Stadium, will be named after Miss Sylvia Morgan, wife of the late John Morgan. Miss Sylvia is a spry 85-year-old volunteer who collects money at the gate for nearly every home Addison Athletic contest, be it football, basketball, baseball, volleyball or track, Miss Sylvia will be there. She is known to both home fans and the many visitors who come to games.

Sylvia has been volunteering at Addison since 1972. That’s 51 one years which by anyone’s standard is a very long time. Miss Sylvia has also worked with five Addison principals, starting with Mr. D.A. Sharpton and continuing with current principal Micah Smothers. 

“Hazel Denson called me at home and asked me to come help them at the football game that night because someone had called out. I didn’t have nothing else planned so I did it,” Morgan said. “I just fell in love with the kids, and I love to talk so I just kept coming back.” That might be an understatement to say she likes to talk. Miss Sylvia has probably never met a stranger in her life.

Miss Sylvia graduated from Meek High School, an Addison rival, and moved to Addison in 1965 when her and her late husband, John, started John’s Furniture in Addison. By the way she still works a full-time job, running the store, which is still in business.

“Between working full time at the store and helping out at the school, it keeps me young,” Sylvia said. “I don’t plan on retiring anytime soon.”

Miss Sylvia has extra incentive to keep coming to the school since all three of her daughters and a grandson work there. Nancy Parris and Sherry Smothers are teachers while Sheila Everett is the high school administrative assistant. Sylvia’s Grandson John Everett teaches and is the head coach of the Bulldog Baseball team.

“I love getting to see my daughters and grandson all the time. I am proud of all of them,” Morgan said. “I have five grandkids and one great grandchild as well, so my life is very full.”

Sylvia was surprised and thrilled when she heard the news and feels honored to be associated with Addison High School.

“It was such a great surprise and a huge honor.” Sylvia said. “I am not the only one that volunteers I guess I just hung around longer than most. I love being linked to Addison High School and will stay as long as they will have me.”

Well, as someone who has known Miss Sylvia personally since the mid 70’s, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that no person is more deserving of this honor or is as beloved by the Addison School community as Miss Sylvia. I am proud for you and honored to call you a friend.

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