168 Hours of Prayer


    Nationwide revival, call to prayer being answered locally

    CULLMAN, Ala. – Churches and college campuses around the country have opened up facilities for a week-long prayer revival following the surge of emotion created by the spontaneous revival at Asbury University, located in Wlimore, Kentucky, this past week. 

    Some Cullman County church leaders have followed suit, with Desperation Church starting  168 continuous hours of prayer and revival that began this past Sunday evening. 

    Desperation Church Pastor Andy Heis shared a quick message Sunday evening via Facebook  encouraging residents to come out and pray: 

    “Hey listen, I want to invite anybody who wants to come. We know there’s a movement taking place across our nation today (Sunday). Man, colleges all over experiencing the outpouring of God’s presence and its revival, awakening, whatever you want to call it, we just know God is moving. I just want to be part of it. I want to pray for them, I want to pray for our country.”

    Heis continued with the announcement that Desperation Church would begin a week-long prayer revival, and he encouraged all who are willing to come out to experience what God is doing across the nation:

    “Starting tonight, Sunday (Feb. 19), tonight at 6 p.m. we are going to start 24/7 prayer for 168 hours, all week long. It’s open to the community. Come pray for your church. Come pray our communities, our cities. Come pray for our nation. Come and ask God to really, really move.” 

    West Point Baptist Church Pastor Samuel Tucker also announced his church will be opening up each evening at 5 p.m. and staying as long as needed. Both ministers took to social media, releasing videos reiterating the importance of not just revival, but prayer. 

    Tucker spoke on what compelled him to join in on the nationwide movement. He started the video with a quick greeting before speaking about how he was led to open the doors to West Point Baptist:

    “I woke up early this morning and began to have my quiet time with the Lord, and God’s continued to press upon me the need for prayer. The need for God’s people to seek him. Matthew chapter 6 says, ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and these things will be added. 

    “I’m 51 years old, soon to be 52, and I’ve heard all my life about things that used to happen, but I believe today is the day, we are in the moment of time for this generation to have a story, to have a memory, to have a movement of God that will carry them for years to come. I’ve preached on this for many years now. We’re past a revival; we are in need of a revolution. This afternoon (day) I’m convinced and convicted that it’s time the church do what it takes to get ourselves in position to have a revolution.”

    Tucker said there’s never been a time in America where people needed healing more than right now. 

    “It may very well be as you watch this Facebook live video, you’re in need of healing, you’re hurt, the enemy has attacked, you’re in bondage, you have all kinds of things going on in your life, but the Lord right now is speaking to you. My friend I want to tell you there is victory in Jesus,” he said. “West Point Baptist Church is opening its doors; we are open now. I’m sitting here on the pulpit where I preach most Sunday mornings, but we are going be here until 9 o’clock every night this week. We will make plans to do different as God leads, but if you feel the leadership of God to come, you come.”

    Tucker said that they are not necessarily preaching but instead are just there praying. The church will have worship music playing. 

    “You just come in and do what you feel led to do. There’s no structure. There’s no agenda. We’re just wanting to be obedient to the still, small voice of God. God is speaking, we need to be listening. I encourage you, be mindful and be listening to that still, small voice and when God speaks move,” he said. “If we can minister to you in any way we are here, we want you to come. We will be around. We will pray with you if we need to. If you just want to come to see, have a seat, pray, spend as much time here as you want to, that’s perfectly up to you but we want to make that accessible. We want to make that for you. We want to give you that opportunity.” 

    Tucker finished up the digital announcement by saying, “Come be with us, come join us, come see what God has got in store. I truly believe it’s time now for the church to come and seek the things of God. I hope you have a great afternoon. I hope to see you here in just a little bit if that’s what God’s will is. You have a great day.”

    Heis echoed Tucker’s remarks. He stated that this event is one he has been waiting on for some time and one which he doesn’t want to miss, for his congregation and himself. He also encouraged anyone wishing to attend to do so at their convenience and own time.

    “Listen, I don’t want to miss it. We’ve been praying for this for years and I just want to be a part. So come hang out with us. It’s open to the community; its open. You can come anytime. You can come at lunch. You can come in the morning; you can come at 3 in the morning,” he said. “It will be open 24/7, 168 hours for the entire week this week starting tonight at 6 o’clock then 6 o’clock next Sunday we will do a worship service. Hey, come join us lets pray for an outpouring of what God’s doing, excited about what God’s going to do.”

    Desperation Church is located at 510 Fifth St. SW and West Point Baptist is located at 140 County Road 1242.