Celebrating Earth Day

(Photo from the Alabama Cooperative Extension)

Earth Day, now in its 52nd year, was first observed in 1970, with an estimated 20 million people engaging in environmental festivities across the nation. Today, more than 1 billion people celebrate Earth Day. The theme for Earth Day 2022 is Invest in Our Planet.

For the past two years, Earth Day has been limited to drive-thru activities because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this year youth and families are able to engage more with others to not only celebrate Earth Day, but to learn how to sustain natural resources for generations to come.

Ways to Observe Earth Day

During the pandemic, people got creative with the ways they celebrated Earth Day. This year and beyond, people can enjoy these creative celebration ideas with others. The following are some great things to do to celebrate Earth Day:

  • Take a virtual tour of an environmental museum or facility.
  • Join a citizen science organization or group.
  • Participate in an environmental education webinar.
  • Learn about the history of Earth Day.
  • Make a nature-inspired video.
  • Participate in a virtual run or walk.
  • Make an Earth Day-inspired snack.
  • Participate in a virtual Earth Day art session.
  • Listen to an environmental justice interview via radio.
  • Learn about the impacts of climate change.
  • Participate in a virtual environmental movie watch party.
  • Participate in a virtual rain garden workshop.
  • Build a birdhouse, bird nesting bundle, or bird feeder.
  • Take in some bird watching.
  • Plant a tree or tree seedling.
  • Switch off lights and appliances that are not in use.
  • Create a recycling station in your home.
  • Plant a wildflower garden to attract pollinators.
  • Take reusable bags to the grocery store.
  • Start a compost pile in your backyard.
  • Work outside in your flowerbed or garden.
  • Install a rain barrel to conserve water.
  • Post a call-to-action video on social media.

Spend a little time thinking about how you can practice good environmental stewardship and Invest in Our Planet. Challenge yourself to recycle more, save energy, conserve natural resources, reduce pollution and respect the environment and all living things. To learn more about Earth Day 2022, visit https://www.earthday.org/.