Berlin approves resurfacing of multiple roads, still offering weather radios 

(W.C. Mann for The Cullman Tribune)

BERLIN, Ala. – The Berlin Town Council on Monday evening approved the expenditure of up to $100,000 on roads or portions of roads within the municipality. This will be added to a $100,000 state grant secured in March with the help of local legislators State Rep. Randall Shedd, R-Fairview and State Sen. Garlan Gudger, R-Cullman. Mayor Patrick Bates told the council that town revenues have already exceeded budget predictions with four months still to go in the fiscal year, so the money is available. 

Under an agreement with county officials, the combined funding will allow county road crews to work on County Roads: 

  •  1600 – resurfacing 
  • 1615 – resurfacing 
  • 1625 (Berlin’s portions) – resurfacing 
  • 1626 – resurfacing 
  • 1612 and 1614 – the poor condition roads will be ground into dirt roads for the time being, with a view toward later improvement. 

According to information provided at the grant announcement in March, the resurfacing projects will include laying of new road base and chip seal. 

Bates also told the council that the Alabama Emergency Management Agency has reviewed a $124,000 hazard mitigation grant proposal for a town storm shelter, and that $93,000 in local match funding toward the project should be available next year for construction of a 90-person storm shelter with two bathrooms and a generator. The council approved an amended Hazard Mitigation Plan in preparation for the project. 

The council also approved: 

  •  A resolution to ask the Cullman County Commission to include Berlin on the county’s state bid list 
  • Installation of an exterior faucet at Town Hall by Vest Plumbing, in the amount of $225 
  • Installation of sod, grass, shrubs and a flagpole around the ramps and steps at Town Hall by Steve Clark, in the amount of $3,500, plus the cost of the flagpole 
  • Purchase of a trailer storage unit for the Town Hall property, in the amount of $3,250 
  • Transfer of council meetings to Town Hall starting on the second Monday in July 

Weather radios still available 

Berlin Fire Chief Ralph Laney, in attendance at the meeting, announced that weather radios are still available to any household within the Berlin Fire District. If you pay dues to the Berlin Fire Department, you are eligible for a free radio whether you live within Berlin Town Limits or not. Visit Berlin Town Hall or the Berlin Farmers Market during business hours. 

The Berlin Town Council meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of each month at the Berlin Community Center. The public is invited to attend. 

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W.C. Mann