Berlin Farmers Market going up quickly

A construction crew works on the Berlin Farmers Market shed Wednesday afternoon. (W.C. Mann for The Cullman Tribune) 

 BERLIN, Ala. – The shed for the Berlin Farmers Market is rising from the field west of the Berlin Community Center and will be in use soon. The market is scheduled to open at 3 p.m. April 19 and will operate from 3-6 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, and from 7 a.m.–noon on Saturdays, April 19 through Oct. 30. Town Clerk Keirstyn Montgomery will manage the Farmers Market. 

 Mayor Patrick Bates recently told the council that certain growers are talking about the possibility of bringing jams, jellies and hot breakfast items on Saturdays, as well as eggs and frozen chickens. 

 The council approved an annual fee schedule for farmers wishing to sell produce at the market, as follows: 

  •  Berlin residents – $100 per year 
  • Farmers in the Berlin district – $150 per year 
  • All other farmers – $200 per year 

 These fees were reported to be half the amount of those set last year. 

 Bates also reported that public Wi-Fi has been installed at the farmers market and seems to be working well. He is currently working to link the market Wi-Fi to the community center and allow public internet access there. 

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W.C. Mann