GOOD HOPE, Ala. – The Good Hope City Council on Monday night approved the sale of nearly 3.3 acres beside Good Hope Pharmacy, which is located along County Road 437. The parcel is also next to the recently acquired Cotton Gin property at 123 Lindsey Road. The City will sell the majority of the 3.3 acres for $255,000 but retain enough to add a road between the property and the pharmacy.
At its last meeting, the council approved the City’s purchase of The Cotton Gin restaurant property, including the 5.98 acres, building and restaurant equipment. The property, owned by Elliott Morgan, was offered to the City for $500,000, the appraised value.
Mayor Jerry Bartlett said of the recent streak of potential economic development opportunities in the city of Good Hope, “We are excited! There’s a lot of possibilities down here in Good Hope!”
Although the prospective buyer of the parcel has not yet been announced, Bartlett and City Planner Corey Harbison teased that it would be the largest investment in the City of Good Hope since the new Pilot Truck Stop.
Harbison did disclose that the development is “medical-related” and said, “This is one of the biggest investments ever in the community and I’m excited! I think it’s going to be a big thing for the people of Good Hope and all of Cullman County.”
The council said the sale price of the parcel, $255,000, is higher than the County’s appraised value of $178,200. It excludes the portion of the parcel the City will retain for the planned city street.
The sale has not yet been finalized.
In other business, the council passed Resolution 003-2021 to submit the annual Municipal Waste Pollution Prevention (MWPP) report to the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM).
The council also passed Resolution 004-2021 to hire Community Consultants for grant application assistance for the Good Hope Municipal Park walking trails project. A second resolution (005-2021) was approved to have CDG Engineering perform the engineering work for the grant process.
The Ultimate Fair was given the green light to return in the spring. It is scheduled for April 20-25.
Baseball, softball and T-ball sign-ups are ongoing. Those interested in registering can contact city hall at 256-739-3757. Registration ends Feb. 12.
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