Good Hope passes amended mobile home ordinance

Good Hope Mayor Jerry Bartlett refers to the City’s zoning map at Monday night’s council meeting. (Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

GOOD HOPE, Ala. – The Good Hope City Council on Monday night passed by unanimous vote an amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 009-2019 regarding manufactured home parks, mobile homes and manufactured homes within city limits. The vote was taken after the second reading of the amendment.

Mayor Jerry Bartlett said, “We are just trying to do the best with what little bit of land we do have.”

The council said at its last meeting that the amended ordinance is in response to the urging of numerous landowners and a recommendation from the City of Good Hope Planning Commission.

Before, residents could request permission (use upon appeal) to put mobile or manufactured homes in locations zoned as R-2 (Low-Density Residential; Single Family Detached) or Ag-1 (Agricultural). The amended ordinance abolishes that.

“The main thing we are stopping is we don’t want to have public hearings and pit neighbor against neighbor,” explained Bartlett.

The standards set forth in the amended ordinance for the development of a new mobile home park are the same as those required of new subdivisions, he said. “If you build a subdivision you have to have so many parking spaces, you have to have driveways. It’s all the same. You have to have curbs, gutters, streets and lights. It’s all the same.”

The two existing mobile home parks in Good Hope have been grandfathered in, but if they choose to expand, they will be required to do so in compliance to the new regulations.

The changes to the zoning ordinance will go into effect once the ordinance has been published publicly, which Town Clerk Christie Chamblee said she hoped to have done by the end of the week.

The next Good Hope City Council meeting is scheduled for Jan. 11, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.

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