Senior Dedication held at St. Bernard

Front row, left right, are Lupe Ponce-Marquez, Samantha Stefani, Chloe Tombo, Marianee Pichardo and Isabella Warden.  Second row, left to right, are Luis Garcia, Kathleen George, Justin Anders, Caleb Norman, Daniel Bamberry, Toni Shuper, Katherina Gil, Daisy Gutierrez, Anna Beth Guthery, Sara Barck, Helen Kim, Alex Lewis, Daniel Campos, Gary Contreras, and David De Jesus.  Back row, left to right, are John-David Grey, Joseph Arriaga, Jackelyn Arteaga, Nik Borths, Conor Berry, Marco Tona, Eli Loyd, and Francis Mami. Not pictured are Girvin Garcia and Zahra Wilson. (St. Bernard)

CULLMAN, Ala. – Saint Bernard recognized its senior class recently during a ceremony in the Abbey Church.  Family members, along with the junior class, gathered Thursday, Oct. 1 to recognize the seniors and commend them for their leadership in the student body at St. Bernard.

The Rt. Rev. Marcus J. Voss gave the homily and reminded seniors they are the leaders for underclassmen to follow.  “I encourage you to recognize the role you play in setting the pace for the school to follow.  Do your best in everything you do!”

He continued, “St. Bernard takes pride in its Benedictine tradition. I encourage each of you to dedicate your lives to work and prayer, hospitality and hard study.  Your role of leadership makes St. Bernard a better place because of what you do today.”

Senior Class President Nikolas Borths echoed sentiments about the uniqueness of St. Bernard, which he said he witnessed during his six years as a student. 

Borths said, “St. Bernard is a unique place, and what makes it unique is the relationships with teachers, students, sports team and coaches. I’m a better person today because of the blessings of being at St. Bernard.  Our senior class strives to maintain a high level of maturity and sophistication.  We want to be successful, and we have a drive and focus for standing up for what is right.”

Borths continued by saying, “Now is not the time to let up.  We must work harder as we take up this tremendous responsibility for this school, lead by example through this challenging time and ask for prayers to accomplish good things during our senior year.”

Abbot Marcus blessed the crosses and was assisted by Headmaster Fr. Joel Martin in presenting them to the class. 

Abbot Marcus reminded the students that St. Bernard is a unique place.  “Benedictines have been sponsoring schools for 1,500 years. It’s rare that a high school has a monastery in the middle of its campus. St. Bernard does. What a wonderful place to receive an outstanding high school education.” 

Music for the occasion was presented by the St. Bernard Choral Music Program under the direction of Mrs. Ashleigh Russell.  Russell also served as organist.  Following the service, lunch was provided in the Abbey Byre.