Addison’s Bartlett earns degree from Ole Miss

The US flag flies over the Circle as the sun sets. Photo by Robert Jordan/Ole Miss Communications

News from Ole Miss

Lacie Kay Bartlett, of Addison received a Bachelor of Multi-Disciplinary degree in General Studies.

“While we aren’t able to gather in the Grove and at other beautiful venues on our campus right now for traditional pomp and circumstance, we could not let our originally scheduled Commencement day pass without recognizing the incredible achievements, character and spirit of this class of graduates,” said Chancellor Glenn F. Boyce. “The university remains committed to doing all it can to honor our graduates in person when it is safe for us to come together as a university community.”

The virtual event can be viewed at

Bartlett was also named to the University of Mississippi’s Spring 2020 Dean’s Honor Roll, which is reserved for students who earn a semester GPA of 3.50-3.74.