ADOL: $503M in unemployment benefits disbursed; Payments represent 84% of claims paid


MONTGOMERY, Ala.  – Alabama Department of Labor (ADOL) Secretary Fitzgerald Washington announced Monday that ADOL has disbursed more than $503 million in COVID-19 related unemployment compensation benefits. Alabama is now paying benefits under all three programs covered in the CARES Act: Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC).

$503,011,424 has been paid to 206,694 claimants over the period covering March 16 – May 1, 2020. This represents 511,594 weeks paid.

$247,872,000 of those funds are FPUC, the $600 stimulus benefit added to weekly unemployment compensation benefits.

$5,201,412 represent PUA funds, and $826,734 represent PEUC funds.

ADOL has issued payments to 84% of those filing COVID-19 related active claims since March 16, 2020.

“Following last week’s release of the new PUA app, we were able to get a good deal of those benefits out in a faster manner,” said Washington. “Additionally, those who have exhausted their unemployment claims are now seeing payments.”

He continued, “We continue to work on a daily basis to improve the systems to make them more efficient and to streamline payments. We hear the complaints and take them seriously. ADOL is working around the clock to ensure that everyone who is entitled to these funds receives them. Even though we’ve made payments to 84% of those who have filed, we know there are many still waiting, and you have not been forgotten.”

Claimants can track their claims status by using the UI Claims Tracker, which can be located at  Additionally, information and FAQs can be found at ADOL’s COVID-19 resource page at