COVID-19: ALDOT announces operational plans in response to outbreak


MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) on Tuesday announced how it will conduct operations during the national effort to prevent the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), saying the safety and protection of motorists using ALDOT facilities and the transportation network is a top priority.

Rest areas

Restrooms will remain open at ALDOT rest areas across the state.  A deep cleaning will be performed on the restrooms each week.  Throughout each day, staff will clean and sanitize the areas used most frequently by travelers, including door handles, counters, faucets and toilets.  Rest areas will be staffed to provide cleaning and with a point of contact for emergencies only.

Highway projects

Active construction and road maintenance projects and supporting ALDOT functions will continue, including scheduled bid openings for new projects. Work to repair slides and other roadway failures resulting from the recent record rainfall will continue.

General operations

ALDOT personnel will continue to monitor and respond to traffic incidents and roadway issues. ALDOT traffic operations and Alabama Service & Assistance Patrol (ASAP) responders will continue serving in areas where they currently operate.

Public involvement meetings

All ALDOT public involvement meetings are postponed until further notice.

Permit operations

Local ALDOT offices will continue to receive and process permits for work on ALDOT right of way.  The ALDOT Oversize/Overweight Permit Office will continue to accept and process applications for oversize/overweight vehicles on Alabama highways.