Jake Johnson named new principal of Cullman Middle School

Jake Johnson

Updated 6-25-19 at 7:06 p.m.

CULLMAN, Ala. – Jake Johnson has been named the new principal of Cullman Middle School. Johnson will replace Lane Hill, according to the Cullman City School Board.

Back in April the board, in a special-called meeting, agreed to extend Hill’s contract with the school system for one year. The agreement brought to a close weeks of contention following the school board’s seemingly abrupt decision not to renew Hill’s contract back on Feb. 19, 2019. At that time, the board voted 3-2. Teachers, parents and retired educators weighed in, the majority of whom expressed support for Hill. Hill was to retire effective June 30, 2020.

Johnson has been an assistant principal at Cullman High School since 2016. In 2014, Johnson interned at Cullman City Primary School. He spent the 2015-16 school year at Fairview Elementary as assistant principal to Marty Hardman.

Tuesday morning, June 25, a statement issued by Cullman City Schools Superintendent Dr. Susan Patterson read, “We are excited to see Mr. Jake Johnson approved as the principal of Cullman Middle School. Mr. Johnson has been associated with Cullman City Schools for many years as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, and coordinator. His leadership will ensure the continued academic success of CMS and bring new opportunities to our students. Mr. Hill has accepted a position with a private school in the Huntsville area and we wish him well in his future endeavors and thank him for his service to CMS.”

Johnson said, “I’m excited but also a little nervous. I feel I have been well prepared by my time at Cullman High School and my time at Fairview.”

The school board also recognized Peyton Arnold, a student at East Elementary who placed in the top 10 in the Alabama Council on Economic Education Color the Concepts Contest. She, along with her sponsor Penny Clark, were congratulated and presented with a certificate.

Jason Harpe and Tasha Quick with Carr, Riggs& Ingram, LLC gave a brief presentation regarding the finalized audit of FY2018. Harpe highlighted the general fund income statement.

Shared Harpe, “You’ll see that the board added about $413,000 to the general fund balance and that works out to be about 2.9 months’ worth of operating reserve which is above the 30 day requirement.”

The board approved the following items:

  1. Approval of May 21, 2019 minutes
  2. Approval of May 28, 2019 minutes
  3. Approval of May 2019 payroll of $2,029,187.97, invoices paid of $336,686.24, financial statements and bank reconciliations
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Approval of the following Head Start Items:
    1. Expenditures Report for May 2019
    2. Health/Nutrition/Disabilities/Enrollment Report for May 2019
    3. CLASS Scores – 3rd Trimester
    4. TS GOLD 3rd Trimester Outcomes Report
    5. Training and Technical Assistance Plan 2019-2020
    6. School Readiness Plan 2019-2020
    7. Self-Assessment and Improvement Plan
  6. Permission to surplus/salvage the following textbooks from Cullman Middle School: Beginnings Through The Renaissance ISBN: 0-07-860307-2, 284 copies.
  7. Permission to surplus/salvage outdated textbooks from East Elementary School (Exhibit A attached)
  8. Permission to surplus one Sanyo 25″ TV (S/N V6360809038799) and one Sharp TV (S/N 205839567) from Cullman City Primary School
  9. Permission to salvage a Tennant 120 VAC 20″ Floor Scrubber in disrepair from Cullman City Primary School (Asset #02187)
  10. Permission to salvage unusable FM systems, classroom audiology equipment, 2 broken printers, and an outdated iPad 2 from Student Services
  11. Permission to salvage the following old items from Central Office: RCA TV, Sanyo TV, VHS Recorders/Players, and a CD player
  12. Permission for CHS Varsity Cross Country Team to participate in a Team Camp at Cedarville University in Cedarville, Ohio on July 21-24, 2019

Old Business:

  1. Ratification of bid results with Southland International Bus Sales as the lowest responsible bidder, meeting specifications for the Cullman City Schools Bus Replacement – Bid #05-21-19-02.
  2. Permission to award bid #04-16-19-01 to Encore Rehabilitation, Inc. for consultant services in physical and occupational therapy.

New Business

  1. Proposed approval of the 2019-2020 Salary Schedules for Cullman City Schools. This item will be sent out to the Policy Review Committee and brought back for consideration.
  2. Proposed approval of the 2019-2020 Head Start Salary Schedules. This item will be sent out to the Policy Review Committee and brought back for consideration.
  3. Approval of the 2019-2020 Cullman City Head Start Grant Application/Budget (including Program Operations, Training Technical Assistance, Non-Federal Share and Other Funding, Cost Allocation Plan, and Selection Criteria)
  4. Proposed approval of revised Head Start Job Descriptions. These will be sent out to Policy Review Committee and brought back for consideration.
  1. Head Start Parent, Family & Community Engagement Manager (PFCE)
  2. Head Start ERSEA Manager
  3. Head Start Mental Health Manager
  4. Head Start Parent, Family & Community Engagement Assistant
  5. Head Start Interpreter/Family Service Worker
  6. Head Start Family Service Worker
  7. Head Start Disabilities Assistant
  8. Head Start Teacher
  9. Head Start Instructional Assistant
  10. Head Start Pre-K Teacher
  11. Head Start Pre-K Auxiliary Teacher
  12. Approval of the Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Agreement with Wallace State Community College for the 2019-2020 school year
  13. Permission for Head Start to provide a $100 stipend per day for Pre-K teachers and a $75 per day stipend per day for Pre-K assistant teachers to attend the NEAC Conference in July 24, 2019 (OSR Funds)
  14. Permission for Head Start to provide a $50 half-day stipend for Pre-K teachers and a $37.50 half-day stipend for Pre-K Assistant teachers to attend the V.I.T. Training in July 2019 (OSR Funds)
  1. Permission to provide a $500 supplement to a staff member to coordinate the Cullman City Primary School Earth Day event (local school funds)
  2. Permission to contract with Mentor teachers for the 2019-2020 school year
  3. Permission for Cullman City Head Start to contract with Wellstone Behavioral Health to provide psychological consultation services beginning September 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020
  4. Permission for Head Start to contract with Dr. James Thomas of Alabama Urgent Care to provide TB Screenings
  5. Permission for Head Start to contract with Tammy Cornelius, CRNP of Cullman Primary Care to provide health examinations
  6. Permission for Head Start to contract with Dr. Samuel Oliver to provide dental services.
  7. Permission for Head Start to contract with Dr. Rex Adams to provide dental services
  8. Approval of the Cullman City Head Start Partnership Agreements with Dr. Samuel Oliver and Signature Smiles of Cullman
  9. Permission to provide a stipend to Karla Rodriquez for Medication Training during the summer of 2019 (Head Start Funds)
  10. Permission to provide a stipend to Kayla Aaron and Lois Bice for Medication Refresher training during the summer of 2019 (Head Start Funds)
  11. Permission to contract with Amy Gleaton during the summer of 2019 to provide Coop Coordinator duties (CTE O&M Funds)
  12. Permission to contract with John Drake to provide the necessary support, maintenance, updates, and operational needs to the CHS Computer Science Lab (CTE O&M Funds)
  13. Personnel Considerations:
    1. Resignation:
      1. Micah Milligan, History teacher at Cullman Middle School, effective May 24, 2019
    2. Principal Contract Resignation:
      1. Lane Hill, Principal at Cullman Middle School, effective Aug. 1, 2019
    3. Transfers:
  1. Nina Mills, transfer from instructional assistant at East Elementary School to Special Education teacher at Cullman High School, effective 2019-2020 school year (JV 19-039)
  2. Holly Murphree, transfer from Pre-K Special Education instructional assistant at Cullman City Primary School to Special Education instructional assistant at City Primary School, effective 2019-2020 school year (JV 19-046)
  3. Jacob Brown, transfer from History teacher at Cullman High School to History teacher at Cullman Middle School, effective 2019-2020 school year (JV 19-043)
  4. Leave of Absence:
    1. Julie Spradlin, West Elementary School, requests one-half day unpaid leave for May 8, 2019.
  5. Employments: Conditional Employment under the terms of the Child Protection Act of 1999, Act No. 2002-457, and pending certification, as applicable.
    1. Elizabeth Wilson, Art teacher at Cullman High School and Cullman City Primary School, beginning Aug. 2, 2019 (JV 19-033)
    2. Jason Johnsey, Social Studies teacher at Cullman High School, beginning Aug. 2, 2019 (JV 19-007)
    3. Hilary Nix, Library Media Specialist at Cullman City Primary School, beginning Aug. 2, 2019 (JV 19-030)
    4. Susan “Terri” Cooper, Special Education Instructional Assistant at Cullman City Primary School, beginning Aug. 5, 2019 (JV 19-041)
    5. Amber Kugler, Pre-K Special Education instructional assistant at Cullman City Primary School, beginning Aug. 5, 2019 (JV 19-040)
    6. Michelle Herrera, Extended Day Program aide at Cullman City Primary School, beginning Aug. 7, 2019 (JV 19-045)
    7. Kristen Dee King, teacher (Grade TBD) at West Elementary School, beginning Aug. 2, 2019 (JV 19-038)
    8. Ray Bledsoe, custodian at West Elementary School, beginning June 17, 2019 (JV 19-032)
  6. Probationary Principal Contract:
    1. James “Jake” Johnson, Cullman Middle School, effective July 1, 2019 (JV 19-048) (Voluntary transfer from Federal Programs/CTE Coordinator)
  7. Modification of Employment:
    1. David Benefield, Agribusiness teacher at Cullman High School, modification of employment from eleven months to twelve months, effective 2019-2020 school year.
  8. Administrative Supplement:
    1. Patricia Culpepper, modify supplement from Administrative Level 3 Supplement to Administrative Level 5 Supplement for the Head Start and Office of School Readiness Programs responsibilities, effective October 1, 2019 (Head Start Funds)
  9. Supplement Termination:
    1. Michelle Nix, administrative supplement for the Child Nutrition Program, effective May 31, 2019
  10. Supplement Resignations:
    1. Micah Milligan, CMS Assistant football, CHS Indoor Track Assistant, and CHS Outdoor Track Assistant, effective May 24, 2019
    2. Lane Hill, SGA Supplement, effective Aug. 1, 2019
  11. Cullman City Primary School – Extended Day Program Aide Pay Increase:
    1. Jenna Lambert and Ashton Laney – Pay increase of $0.25 per hour, effective Aug. 7, 2019

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Peyton Arnold (center)