Berlin purchasing 20 acres by community center

The Berlin Town Council seen at this week's meeting (Heather Mann for The Cullman Tribune)

BERLIN, Ala. – The Berlin Town Council had a heavy discussion on a property purchase and how to finance it during its May meeting this week.

In order to pay for the property, which is approximately 20 acres of land next to the Berlin Community Center, the council initially opened with the idea to pay half of the amount and finance the other half with a general obligation bond through Citizens Bank and Trust. However, Mayor Patrick Bates expressed concern about possible renewal fees if the Town was unable to pay off the bond within the 12 months of the original agreement. He said he wishes to have the property paid off completely by the time the first full-term town council is seated next year.

Ultimately the council made the decision to make a $130,000 down payment, then finance the remaining $75,000 through the bond and pull from the sales tax revenue each month to pay.

Other items of business included discussing storm shelters (specifically, starting to look into possible locations around Berlin and opportunities for grants to get them), a proposal from Bates to ask the Cullman Electric Cooperative for a price estimate to put in a street light at the Dollar General parking lot entrance, and a visit from Sheriff Matt Gentry about getting a town deputy.

The first two topics had no actions taken, and the topic of a town deputy was tabled for later discussion after the next budget is set.

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Heather Mann