Friday Fun: July 22


Moving Sale

Friday and Saturday, July 22 and 23, 8 a.m.-? Household items, tools, crafts, winter clothes, books, some furniture, etc. 711 Ninth Ave. SE in Cullman.


CSYFA Speed & Agility Camp

The Cold Springs Youth Football Association (CSYFA) is set to host its first speed and agility camp July 22-23. The camp will feature Olympic gold medalist Willie Smith.

Children ages 5-17 are invited to attend the camp, regardless of school district or sport. The camp is open to both girls and boys, and will run from 6-9 p.m. on July 22 and 8 a.m.-noon on July 23. Children ages 9-17 will meet on both days, with instruction from Smith. Children ages 5-9 will meet on the second day, July 23, with instruction from Cold Springs Varsity Coach Matt Negron. The camp will take place at the Cold Springs practice field, and the cost for the seven hours of instruction is $25 for CSYFA members and $40 for non-members. Children under the age of 8, who will have four hours of instruction, are only $20. To pre-register, send the camper’s name, contact info, age and school to or text it to McCarn at 256-338-7204. Campers can also register on the first day of the session. Payments will be accepted on-site.


2016 July Community Luncheon- Mayoral Candidates Forum

Friday, July 22, from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the All Steak Restaurant downtown. The Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce’s Governmental Affairs Committee is pleased to host a forum for the City of Cullman mayoral candidates. The purpose of the Q&A is to provide an opportunity for area citizens to meet and gather information from candidates running for mayor in Cullman and ultimately make an informed decision prior to the election. If you would like to attend, please register by calling the Chamber office, 256-734-0454, or emailing

48-hour cancellation policy; $15 for Chamber members & $20 for future members.


Weekly Just Play! Program- Cullman City Parks and Rec

When: Fridays at 1 p.m. in June & July

Where: A different CP&R small park each week (July 22 – Carol Acres Park, July 29 – Ingle Park)

What: A free weekly program for ages 5-12 with organized time at the parks including: scavenger hunts, water balloon fights, slip-n-slides, capture the flag, kickball, relay games and more!


Free Meals at West Elementary School

The Cullman City Schools Child Nutrition Program is hosting a free meal program this summer. The Summer Feeding Program will run from June 1 through July 29 at West Elementary School. No meals will be served on July 4. Breakfast will be served from 9-10:30 a.m. and lunch from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. each day. Meals are free to all children under the age of 18, regardless of school attended or income status. Adult meals will be available for a charge. The program is looking for volunteers. This would be a great opportunity for teenagers who need community service hours. For more information, contact Cullman City Schools Child Nutrition Program Assistant Director Terri Abbott at 256-297-0493 or 256-734-2233, ext. 9052.


Hanceville Farmer's Market

The Hanceville Farmer's Market has locally-grown fruits, vegetables and meats, as well as arts and crafts. They are open on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Located at 200 Bangor Ave.


Cullman Senior Center Gospel Singing

The Cullman Senior Center will have a Gospel Singing beginning at 9:30 a.m. every Friday. Special guests share devotions at 10:30 a.m. A hot meal is served at 11:30 a.m. daily. For more information, call 256-734-0145. The Cullman Senior Center is located at 1539 Sportsman Lake Road NW.