West Elementary Students Hold Invention Convention

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CULLMAN – Third- and fourth-grade students in West Elementary School’s Discovery gifted program last month held an Invention Convention on the school’s campus.

After completing research on inventors of their choice and taking part in various activities in the program’s invention unit of study, the students used the SCAMPER method (problem-solving technique) to brainstorm some possible inventions. 

The assignment was for each student to think of a problem that needed to be solved in their world (home, school, etc.) and create a solution for it in the form of an invention.  They were to create a prototype if they could not create a real working model.  The students had to create it, name it, create an advertisement for it, calculate the approximate cost and explain their display to other students and parents. 

The Invention Convention was held on Feb. 9 for third-grade students and Feb. 10 for fourth-grade students.  Parents were invited, as well as other students.

Miranda Gunter, who oversees the Discovery gifted program at West Elementary, said, “I was impressed by the creativity of my students with their inventions.  I told them that I would use many of them myself!  It was also great to see the excitement of other students who came to the Invention Convention.  More than one student told me an idea that they had for their own invention as they were leaving the convention."

The third-grade inventors were Alayna Alldredge, Ava Colvard, David Crumpton, Christian Edmondson, Maleah Flanigan, Madison Goble, Price Hall, Jonah Jarrett, John Mark Johnson, Peyton Keller, Kaybri Patterson, Nora Sheffield, Mattie Smith, Willa Smith, Riley Tucker and Evan Wilson.

The fourth-grade inventors were Clay Bonds, Samaria Coley, May Dawsey, Asa Hayes, Kendyle Hieber, Caden Hornsby, Madison Hyde, Ashton Lambert, Whitley Lawson, Noley Morring, Jordan Norwood, Peerson Pipes, Nate Potter, Anna Shirey, Natalie Smith, Kyra Thompson, Logan Walker, Houston Walton, Drew Williamson and Brayden Willoughby.

Find out more about West Elementary School at http://wes.cullmancats.net/.