Cullman County Awarded Over $27,000 for Emergency Food and Shelter


CULLMAN – Congress has appropriated $120 million to supplement and expand emergency food and shelter programs. Each jurisdiction's award is based upon the jurisdiction's total number of unemployed as compared to the total number of unemployed in all qualifying jurisdictions.

Cullman’s total award amount is $27,708. According to Executive Director of Victim Services, Donna Jacobs, funds will be distributed to local agencies.

“Places like the local food banks, Daystar House and Victim Services use these funds to purchase food,” Jacobs said. “There is a great need for these funds because there is a homeless population in Cullman, and it isn’t just homeless that are in need of food assistance. There are many who work that are in need of this help as well.”

Local boards must ensure that agencies selected for funding meet the requirements on the Local Recipient Organization (LRO) certification form. Agencies selected must be able to completely and accurately obtain, retain and submit (if requested) the required expenditure documentation with their final reports and required spreadsheets in keeping with the emergency nature of this award; the award materials include a due date for the Local Board Plan to be received by the National Board.

Under the terms of the grant from the National Board, local agencies chosen to receive funds must:

  1. Be private voluntary non-profits or units of government
  2. Be eligible to receive federal funds
  3. Have an accounting system
  4. Practice nondiscrimination
  5. Have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs
  6. If they are private voluntary organization, they must have a voluntary board.

Qualifying agencies are urged to apply.

Public or Private voluntary agencies interested in applying for emergency food and shelter program funds must contact Donna Jacobs, local board chair.

Call 256-775-2600 or contact via e-mail at for an application.

The deadline for applications is March 18, 2015.