Home 2016
West Point Town Council: 4 roads to be repaved
WEST POINT - Members of the West Point Town Council conducted a special meeting Thursday night for the purpose of getting a much-needed repaving...
West Point Town Council prepares for upcoming municipal elections
WEST POINT - With the municipal election right around the corner, the West Point Town Council made preparations during a regular meeting Monday evening...
West Point Town Council meets, signs Air Evac agreement
Photo: LaTere Jones from Air Evac answers questions from the town council about insurance policies for West Point residents on Monday night.
West Point Town Council Meets, Updates on New Fire Station, Storm Shelter and 157...
WEST POINT - A regular West Point Town Council meeting was held on Monday night, and the biggest topics of the night were the...
West Point Town Council Meets; ALDOT Permit and PALS Community Cleanup Discussed
WEST POINT - A regular West Point Town Council meeting was held on Monday night at West Point Town Hall. An update on an...