Obituary: Luis Angel Estrada Lopez


We’re born, we live, we pass. We all know this, but sometimes we don’t realize how short that time frame is.

Four weeks ago, Grandpa was playing competitive pickleball. The following week, he got COVID-induced pneumonia. On September 8, 2021, Grandpa met Jesus face-to-face. September 8 is my sister’s birthday.

Fifty-five years ago, Grandpa took a leap of faith and moved from Puerto Rico to New York City to pursue a bright future. As a baseball player for a New York Yankees affiliate team, he decided to take the college route. He went into the medical field and became a well-respected director in radiology for decades. He lived an adventurous and successful life, but taking care of his family, friends and the people around him was always a top priority.

One of the Hebrew names given to God in the Old Testament is Jehovah Jireh, which in English, translates to “The Lord will Provide.” I don’t know anyone who reflects this quality of God stronger than my Grandpa. While sipping on his Spanish tea, I can hear his message to us… “Go and show God’s love to others until we meet again.” What a legacy you left behind!

I called my sister to comfort and wish her a happy birthday. This is what she said, “There couldn’t be a better birthday present.” “He’s with Jesus!” We love you!

We want to thank the doctors, nurses, staff at CRMC, Pastor Andy and Leah Heist, Desperation Church family, the pickleball team and all of our friends for the love and support. We are forever grateful!

From the family of Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez celebration of life will be on Saturday, October 2, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. Desperation Church is across from Depot Park.