Files from Yesteryear: 1920


From the Files of 1920:

The cost of maintaining United States troops in Germany was $175,000.00 a day in 1920.

Hugh Lee Tipton, Venora House, Marvin Randall and Gladys Elrod attended the play at Hulaco on Saturday night and reported a nice time.

In spite of the rain Mr. Chambers has some cotton planted. Mrs. J.S. Shults and family motored to Cullman Sunday afternoon to see their brother-in-law, Mr. W.R. Rainey, who has been sick.

Mr. George Patrick, a candidate for Democratic nomination for tax collector came near meeting instant death on Monday morning from a flash of lightning.

Mr. H. Clay Smith was agent for an insurance firm that made settlement for tornado damage to Mr. L.K. (Lawson Kendrall) Manning for damage to his home on April 21, 1920.

Clyde Henderson, of Birmingham, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Henderson.

Messrs Will and Cloud Griffin, of Oklahoma, are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Griffin.

Tony Arndt sold a half crate of strawberries to A.H. Peinhardt for a total price of $4.00. Fred Schaefer brought in his first box of strawberries to Richter Grocery Company for 25 cents a box.

Those graduating at Cullman County High School in the year 1920 were: Louise Thompson, Lila Trimble, Zenora Wilhite, Virgil Winn, Florence Young, Ona Kelly, Hartense Love, Birdie Dreher, Clara Heiber, Mildred Kinney, Callie Mae Knight, Wilhelmenia Richard, Elizabeth Robertson, Ruth Robertson, Mrs. Lillian Mason Lowery and Messrs. Walter Allison, Herman Boehme, Ernest Galin, Everett Haynes, Ewell A. Lowery, Willard Neal, Preston Rouse and Maurice Norwood.

The following attorneys attended the bar association in Birmingham last week: A.A. Griffith, Earney Bland and F.E. St. John.

Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Pierce attended the decoration at Bethel Sunday. Albert Pierce and Miss Alma Chandler attended decoration at Bethel and reported a nice time.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mobley and family, of Center Hill, were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Umphrey, on Sunday. Mrs. J.L. Umphrey spent Wednesday in Cullman with her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Umphrey.

Memorial Day at Beech Grove had recitations by Marie Abbott, Jewel Burns, Ellon Duffey, Lois Burns and Malinda Woods. A duet was performed by Bertha

Swann and Minnie Allred. The sermon was given by Y.H. Whitaker.

Early to bed, early to rise, how can we make a living and do otherwise? Doing nothing is tiresome work because you can’t stop to rest.


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