Saint Bernard cheerleaders launch shoe drive


Seated, (left to right): Lilly Nassetta and Alison Gongre; Standing, (left to right): Ashley Morris, Gabrielle Bennett, Claudia Fallin, Abigail Curtis and Riley Holmes

CULLMAN – Saint Bernard Prep School cheerleaders are conducting a shoe drive fundraiser from now until April 24, 2018, to raise funds to attend cheer camp. Cheerleaders will earn funds based on the total weight of the pairs of gently worn, used and new shoes collected; Funds2Orgs will issue a check for the collected shoes. Those dollars will help send every cheerleader to camp.

All donated shoes will then be redistributed throughout the Funds2Orgs network of micro-enterprise (small business) partners. Funds2Orgs works with micro-entrepreneurs to help them create, maintain and grow small businesses in developing countries where economic opportunity and jobs are limited. Proceeds from the sales of the shoes collected in shoe drive fundraisers are used to feed, clothe and house their families. One budding entrepreneur in Haiti even earned enough to send to her son to law school.

Shoes must be new or used, any size or style and in wearable condition.

“This is both a fundraiser and a service project for my girls,” said cheerleader sponsor Elicia Fallin. “I hope along the way they realize how blessed they all are and that it is their responsibility to try to help others who are less fortunate. The money raised will go towards camp and new signs and pom-poms.

"We are encouraging everyone to do some closet cleaning and clear out those gently worn shoes that are taking up space. By doing so, we raise money for our cheerleaders at Saint Bernard and we have the chance to help families in developing nations who need economic opportunities. It's a win-win for everyone.”

Anyone wishing to donate may drop off gently worn, used and new shoes at the following locations: Cullman County Sheriff’s Office, Saint Bernard Prep Administration Building, Sacred Heart Church and School in Cullman, Cullman EMS and Journey Church in Eva.

The discarded shoes will be given a second chance to make a difference in people’s lives around the world.