Files from Yesteryear: 1901, 1902, 1919 and 1952


From the Files of 1901:

Miss Catherine Gurley is visiting her brother at Blossberg.

Doctor Nick Schlaff, of Hanceville, was here on Tuesday.

F.M. Hamilton returned on Thursday from a trip to Arkansas.

Miss Emma Potts, of Clanton, is  visiting here.

There will be an excursion from Birmingham to Cullman, on Wednesday, June 5th.

Miss Fannie Dyer, of Sonara, Kentucky, is visiting Miss Allie Bogue, of this city.

The courthouse is being renovated and painted, which adds much to its appearance.

Mrs. Lena Moses and Phillip, of Memphis, are visiting her nephew, J.T. Schneider.

O.S. Roden, George Markland and Carl Hartung were in Montgomery during the first of the week.

Thad Quattlebaum, Carl Goff, Frank Brown and Carl Johnson went to North Birmingham, on Monday to work.

There will be an all-day singing, at the West Cullman Baptist Church on the second   Sunday in June, conducted by W.W. Mann and F.P. Morris.

W.T. Vandiver, recently of Stiefelmeyers, is now traveling for a wholesale dry goods house, of Louisville, Kentucky.


From the Files of 1902:

There will be an all-day singing, at Bethlehem West, the first Sunday in July, conducted by P.M. Allison, Warren Hamner, Walter Peavy and Will Vickery, with Miss Cora Allison as organist.

Lonnie York has gone to Jasper, Tennessee, to bring his father’s stolen horse home, which has been located  at that place.

J.W. Boike lost his gin and mill by fire  a few days ago.

J.R. Griffin will open a general merchandise store in the Rheulander Building, on July 1st.

Miss Bertha Burkart, of Hanceville, is spending some  time with her  aunt,  Mrs. C.A. Stiefelmeyer.

Pres Tennyson has 20 acres of wheat two miles northeast of Vinemont.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alvis, of Malahy, were in the city, on Tuesday.


From the Files of 1919:

Cullman County has been lent a two-ton army truck to be used in hauling chert for the pike roads of the county.

Piano recitals will be presented at Sacred Heart Academy by Miss Margaret Deppe, on June 10th and by Miss Hilda von Hagel, on June 11th.

The Cullman Courthouse is getting a repaired roof and a new coat of paint. For the first time since the courthouse was erected there is no leak in the roof.

Little Edward Kinney broke his arm on Saturday, while playing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Kinney.

Clay Smith has returned from a  business trip to Kansas City, Saint Louis, Missouri and Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Robertson have returned from a trip to Maryland.

Mrs. Lee Gregory, of Arab, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. Stewart.

Luther Sterling has accepted a position with Allison Drugstore.

Edward, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Fuller, broke his arm on Wednesday.


From the Files of 1952:

Sherrill Phillips visited his parents, Ben and Pearlie Phillips, at Brushy Pond, last weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Mayfield and Joe, of Hanceville, spent the weekend, in Kentucky.

Six large rubber tired wagons for sale. Will hold two bales of seed cotton. W.L. (Lidy) Walker, at Berlin.


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