Files from Yesteryear: 1940


From the Files of 1940:


Miss Warnke Is Bride of Ted Graveman On Wednesday

Miss Mary Warnke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Warnke and Ted Graveman were married on Wednesday afternoon, October 9th, at 3:30 in the Sacred Heart Rectory with Father Phillip, O.S.B. officiating at the ceremony.

Attending her sister as maid of honor was Miss Edith Warnke, who wore a blue dress with black accessories and a shoulder corsage of pink roses.

Ben Graveman served his brother as best man.

The bride wore a soldier blue ensemble, with black accessories and a corsage of sweetheart roses.

After the wedding, the parents of the bride entertained at their home for the wedding party and immediate families, of the couple.


Bride-Elect is Complimented at Shower on Friday Evening

Honoree at a miscellaneous shower on Friday evening was Miss Pauline Chandler, who will be married on October 20th to Harold Griffin.

Mrs. Ralph Wright and Mrs. Adam Turner were hostesses at this party, at the home of the former.

High scores at the games were Miss Chandler and Mrs. George Abbott. Each was presented an attractive gift. Also the honoree received many useful gifts.

Delicious refreshments were served to the guests, who were Mesdames Herbert Wagner and Kenneth Calendar, of Birmingham, Alvis, Bertha Ross, Leonard Wagner, George Abbott, Otto Buettner, Frank Goodwin, Sherman Clemmons, Harry Chandler, S.V. Foust, Clarence Keller, Fred Cole and Misses Eulala Bates, Evelyn Loper, Mildred Chandler, Ruby Chandler and the honoree.


Mrs. Josephine Bailey Dies at Age of 77 Years

Mrs. Josephine Bailey, who at the time of her sudden death, on October 2nd, was 77 years old, was buried in the Duck River Cemetery, on October 3rd, at 11 o’clock.

Reverend Garrett, pastor of the Holly Pond Methodist Church, was in charge, of the funeral services.

Mrs. Bailey is survived by three sons, G.M., M.G. and A.N. Bailey, all of Route Eight; two daughters, Mrs. Lula Segers, of Route Three and Mrs. Essie Lambert, of Route Eight; four sisters, Mrs. Margaret Wisner, of Phil Campbell, Mrs. Dora Gorham, of Holly Pond, Mrs. Lucy Byrd, of Birmingham and Mrs. Lydia Sanford, of Route Three; six brothers, N.S. Stisher, of Holly Pond, Ben Stisher, of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, Ezra and Walter Stisher, both of Texas, Arthur Stisher, of Cleveland and Oscar Stisher, of Route Three.

Fischer and Son directed.


County F.F.A. Holds Meeting

Maxie Blalock, of the Cullman Chapter, was elected president of the Cullman County District of Future Farmers of America at a meeting held at Cold Springs, on Wednesday, September 25th.

Other officers elected for the coming year were Kellie Sizemore, of Holly Pond, Vice-President; Ray Dunlap, of Hanceville, Secretary-Treasurer; Milton Sooley, from Cold Springs and C.L. Legg, reporter from West Point. The second vice-president is to be elected from the Fairview Chapter. W.L. Martin, teacher of Vocational Agriculture at the Cullman County High School is to be the district advisor for the year.

Each of the six chapters is to be host at one meeting during the year. The meetings will take place every six weeks. The next meeting will be at Fairview, on Wednesday night, November 6th.


Charles William Skipper Dies at Home on Tuesday

Death came to Charles William Skipper, longtime cotton buyer in Cullman, on Tuesday morning, at 4 o’clock. At the time of his death, he was 49 years of age.

Funeral services were conducted at Mount Zion Church, on Wednesday afternoon, October 9th, at 2:30 with Reverend O.S. Gamble and Reverend R.B. Lavender conducting the services. Interment followed in the adjoining cemetery, with Drinkard directing.

Active pallbearers were John Fricke, O.P. Jackson, Roy Williams, Claude Kempson, Ed Heitmueller and Jesse Collier.

Honorary pallbearers were Doctor J.G. Daves, T.G. Kennedy, C.A. Stiefelmeyer, A.B. Holmes, J.B. Daniels, Luke Holland, V.O. Callahan, C.A. Wunderlich, Ross Wunderlich, John Huffstutler and Russ Ridgeway.


Hanceville Happenings

Mrs. Alma Ryan Entertains Garden Club on Wednesday

Mrs. A.D. Rutherford presided at the regular meeting of the Garden Club, in the absence of the president, Mrs. George A. Green. Mrs. Alma Ryan, the hostess for the afternoon had her home decorated with lovely flowers.

During the business hour, the club voted to repair the drinking fountains at the two school buildings. The club will also enter a stunt in the Stunt Night, sponsored by the Beta Club on Saturday night, October 12th at the high school auditorium. Mrs. Arthur Graf is chairman of the committee to plan the stunt.

Mrs. A.E. McGriff had charge of the program and Mrs. James Linton gave the main topic, an interesting paper on “Chemically Planting Bulbs for House Blooming.”

An enjoyable social hour was enjoyed during which time the hostess served delicious buttered popcorn to the sixteen who were present.


Announcement of Interest

Coach and Mrs. Hugh Lee Ogle (Marguerite Burkart), of Decatur, announce the arrival of a fine son, born on Wednesday, October 2nd.


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