Bearcat Transportation coming soon to Cullman City Schools families

Bearcat Transportation is a new, privately owned bus service for the families of Cullman City Schools. (

CULLMAN, Ala. – While Cullman County Schools provides bus transportation for its students, Cullman City Schools does not. Under Alabama law, county schools systems are required to offer transportation for all students, while city school systems and public charter schools are not required to offer transportation except for students who are served by special education.

Former Cullman City School Board candidate and father of five Nathan Haynes is looking to offer the service to city schools families with his new endeavor – Bearcat Transportation. The private service will provide bus transportation to the Cullman City Schools district and is paid by monthly subscription.

“During my 2020 school board campaign, nearly every household I visited emphasized the benefits of school buses,” shared Haynes. “Understanding the challenges of navigating school and car lines, we hope introducing school buses will not only assist those who utilize the service, but also reduce congestion for everyone, resulting in shorter lines and less traffic.”

Bearcat Transportation is a privately owned bus company and in no way affiliated with Cullman City Schools. Its buses were purchased with private funds, and the business will be sustained by a subscription payment model. Parents can register their children for the service with a $50 registration fee and weekly fees. Daily to-and-from school transportation service will run families $60 per week, as opposed to Extended Day options at each school that can cost parents anywhere from $40-$60 a week, in addition to a physical trip to the school.

Said Haynes, “Our program offers convenient pick-up and drop-off services for Cullman City Schools students, both in the morning and afternoon. For just $60 per week, families can enjoy reliable transportation for their children to and from school.”

Hinting that other school systems could be on the horizon for Bearcat Transportation, Haynes added, “Additionally, we have received several inquiries about providing transportation services for several private schools. With enough interest, we will certainly entertain transportation services for these schools as well.” 

Registration for Bearcat Transportation opens online the first week of March, with routes running shortly thereafter. More information on registration, fees and available routes can be found online at

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