Op-Ed: A parent’s practical guide to the pumpkin patch

After much fussing and even taste tests, a dirty-faced River Jane Murphy-Burns chooses her pumpkin from The Great Pumpkin Patch located in Hayden, Alabama. (Cayla Grace Murphy)

Picture it: a verdant green field, speckled with hay, dotted with pumpkins of every shade. The air has a certain crispness to it. Faint music in the distance, interluded by the laughter of children as they ooh and ahh over which pumpkin to take home. A full-blown tantrum snaps you back to reality as your nap-deprived toddler flops on the ground at your feet in frustration that they can’t lift a 20-pound pumpkin into their stroller – and yes, it has to be THAT pumpkin.

Going to the pumpkin patch is a family rite of passage in the fall, some say as American as apple, er, pumpkin pie. Where would we be without coordinating Instagram-worthy outfits, perfectly posed candid family photos and gorgeous gourds to carve, paint or set on the porch next to a mum? Whether it’s your first time to the patch with your little one or you’re a seasoned pumpkin patch professional, you’re sure to learn something from this list of tips and tricks to surviving the patch with the family dynamic intact.

  1. Plan ahead

While an impromptu trip to the patch can be exciting, it can also lead to major disappointment. Take some time to scope out the patches in our area and see which one checks all your family’s boxes, as many patches offer different types of experiences. Are you looking for a simple patch for a photo-op, or more of a carnival-style experience to entertain multiple kids? Is handicap or stroller accessibility a factor for you? Is there a budget constraint? Planning ahead will ensure the experience is as painless – for your family AND wallet – as possible.

  1. Dress for the occasion

We all want that perfect fall family candid shot to add to our mantle, but make sure to check the weather the day of your visit before leaving, especially given how unpredictable Alabama weather can be this time of year. No kid wants to run around in a thick sweater in 80 degree heat, or spill their hot chocolate on their T-shirt because they’re shivering in 55 degree winds. The perfect fix for this? Bring one outfit for pictures, and a separate more comfortable outfit for play. You’ll get those Insta-worthy shots, and they’ll be able to get down and dirty in the patch without ruining that boutique outfit you bought just for family photos.

  1. Bring your own lunch

Lunch for parents and multiple kids can add up anywhere, but especially on family outings like a pumpkin patch. And, if your kids are picky, who knows if they’ll even finish the $10 cheeseburger and fries? If weather (and the patch!) permits, pack a hearty picnic lunch for the fam to save more room in the budget for fun treats the kids will actually finish, like funnel cakes, fried pies and hot cocoa.

  1. Set the ride home for success

With all the stimulating sights, sounds and scents of the pumpkin patch, your kids are sure to be as exhausted as you are by the end of it, especially if they skipped a nap to bring home their prized pumpkin. Consider turning on a calming playlist or packing some sensory fidgeting toys, small blankets or book for the ride home to give your kids a chance to decompress and re-regulate before you arrive home.

  1. Let kids be kids

Finally, let kids be kids. They’ll definitely pick a pumpkin twice their size. They’ll ask for every overpriced, artificially sweetened treat that catches their eye. They’ll roll in the dirt and do somersaults off the hay bales… that’s their job. In all the proper gatherings of the holiday season, the pumpkin patch is the one place where kids can let loose. Let them!