PREP SPORTS: ‘We should always be kind to those around us’: Holly Pond’s Samantha Giles recaps Bronco career

Holly Pond’s Samantha Giles. (Martha Needham/The Cullman Tribune)

HOLLY POND, Ala. — In this interview, I talked to Holly Pond senior basketball and softball player, Samantha Giles. Giles had so many great sports memories during her time as a Bronco and she feels blessed that she got to do all of that alongside a special group of teammates.

“I have a lot of favorite memories from my time at Holly Pond. My most favorite memory from basketball was definitely going to the sweet 16 and getting to experience that for the first time my senior year. I have multiple memories from my years of playing softball. My favorite ones were from all the times at Regionals. We were able to go to Regionals each year I was in varsity and our time together there is something I’ll never forget,” Giles said. “I got injured right before the sweet 16 game. However, having the chance to watch my best friends play in a game that we worked so hard to get to for many years made my heart so incredibly happy and proud. Knowing that all of the hours we spent in the gym finally paid off after so many years.”

She added,

“For softball, the Regional tournament is something that I always loved being a part of. Being able to travel and spend time with my teammates was something I will never forget. It made me extra proud my senior year because we had been through a lot this past season, but my teammates and I never let that affect our goal and we continued to work as hard as we could.”

Samantha got to play for some great coaches during her playing career and was so blessed to play alongside some great seniors.

“Coach Mary Lauren Hartline was a blessing sent to me. I loved getting the chance to play for her my senior year. I was unsure if I wanted to play my senior year after I took my junior year off, but I’m forever thankful that I decided to play one last time. Coach Hartline helped me find my love and passion for basketball again. Although it took some time for me to get used to playing the sport again, she never gave up on me, no matter what. The love she has for the game of basketball has always amazed me and I have no doubt that she will continue to help change the Holly Pond basketball program for the better,” she said. “Coach Jason Widner has been my softball coach for my entire life. Jason never failed to help us be the best players we could be. He pushed us to always work hard and to never give up, no matter what was being thrown at us. I loved having coach Jason as my softball coach throughout the years.”

She added,

“The class of 2023 senior athletes have all been my best friends for as long as I can remember, and getting to play with them all one last season was something I will always remember. My senior year was my first year getting to play with my best friend, Maddi Ham, since youth league. Being able to share the court with her again was bittersweet. Her love for the game of basketball reflected on everyone around her. She was able to teach me so much about the game. Something I will never forget is being able to step out on the court with her one last time during the sweet 16 game. The 2023 softball season included six seniors. All six of us grew up playing the game of softball together and eventually, it was like we all became sisters. I loved each and every moment I spent on the field with them, and I will never forget the time we spent together.”

Samantha will always remember playing with some great teams and with some amazing teammates. She talked about some of her favorite high school memories, plus what made Holly Pond a special school to go to, what she’ll miss the most, and what she learned the most about going to Holly Pond.

“I will remember the time we spent together during school, games, and practices. I will forever remember the love that we each had and continue to have for one another,” she said. “I have to say my favorite high school memories happened during all the homecoming weeks. I loved being able to dress up and participate in all the different activities with my friends. During my senior homecoming, we were finally able to hold a powderpuff football game and that is something I will never forget. We had a senior/freshman team and sophomore/junior team. It was so fun getting together with our team for ‘practice’ and just hang out with all of our friends.

She added,

“Holly Pond was such a special place for me, because the staff always made sure we were doing the best we could do, and they all work so hard to make sure that everyone had a great time while learning. I will definitely miss being able to be with my friends and participate in high school sports. At Holly Pond, I learned that we should always be kind to those around us and to treat others the way you wished to be treated.”

Samantha gave some advice to the students that will be starting high school in August, plus she talked about what she learned the most about playing with an amazing group of girls.

“I would love to tell them that high school will have its ups and downs, but in reality, the time will fly by fast, so enjoy it while you can,” she said. “I learned that you do not need to take the time you get with one another for granted, because that could be your last time being with them.”

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