County Commission talks possible litigation in executive session

Left to right are Cullman County Commissioner Kerry Watson, Chairman Jeff Clemons and Commissioner Garry Marchman at Tuesday morning’s meeting. (Amy Leonard for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Commission on Tuesday morning held a special-called meeting to vote on a short agenda and then meet in an executive session. The executive session, recommended by County Attorney Emily Johnston, was to discuss pending or possible litigation against the County. After the session, the commission voted to hire outside council to review the policies and procedures governing the Cullman Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS).

In other business, the commission approved the following:

  • A resolution to accept the bid by Banner Industrial Construction, Inc. for the construction of replacement bridges in project 21-RT-01, which provides for trail rehabilitation and bridge replacement at Stony Lonesome OHV Park
  • Award bid for jail supplies to North Alabama Chemical and Central Paper. Cullman County Sheriff Matt Gentry noted that after “revamping” the detention centers supply methodology, the department saved over $20,000 in supply spending in 2021 over 2020’s spending.
  • Purchase two 2021 4WD Ford Explorers from Stivers Ford for the Appraisal and Mapping Department for $30,366 each. Stivers Ford offered the lowest bid on the vehicles.
  • Replace the HVAC unit at the County Office Building in the amount of $10,831.51 which is already included in the budget but, as the expenditure is over $10,000, the approval of the commission was required.

The next commission meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 16, at the Cullman County Courthouse. The work session will begin at 4 p.m. and the meeting is at 6. Meetings are open to the public.

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