Prayer rally for West Point Schools this Saturday


WEST POINT, Ala. – This Saturday, Aug. 15 at 10 a.m., students, teachers and employees of West Point Schools are invited to attend a prayer rally to kick off the school year. Due to COVID-19 mandates, the group will be meeting in the parking lot of the West Point Family Medical Practice instead of on school property like the Facebook event page states. Masks are not mandatory, per the organizers, as the event is outside and attendees will be socially distanced.

Organizer Trinity Roggensack from Perfectly Imperfect Ministries said in a statement about the event, “We will sing a few worship songs to ready our hearts and minds for prayer and then pray. 

“We want ALL the teachers, students, resource people, lunch ladies, bus drivers, secretaries, nurses, administrators, substitutes, vendors and volunteers to join us so that we can pray over and for them and the upcoming school year.

“We need prayer now more than ever.  This school year is going to be like founding a new frontier.  

“Greg Locke (lead pastor of Global Vision Bible Church in Tennessee) was going to come and lead the prayer; however, since we have been receiving some push back he is no longer coming.  So it will just be our community and that’s A-OK.  The Bible in James tells us that the prayers of the righteous man (are) powerful and effective.  The ONLY thing that makes us righteous is the blood of Jesus and because of HIS righteousness we can go boldly to HIS throne interceding for our schools.”

West Point Family Medical Practice is located at 4131 County Road 1141, Vinemont, AL 35179.

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Heather Mann