Welcome back! Cullman City, County Schools, Sacred Heart head back to class

Left to right are Reagan Powers, a sixth grader at the Cullman County Child Development Center (submitted by Kristin Powers); Barrett Shumaker, a Kindergartner at Cullman Primary School (submitted by Heather Shumaker); and Koltyn Speegle, a first grader at Fairview Elementary School (submitted by Jamie Davis).

CULLMAN, Ala. – It was an exciting beginning to the new school year at East Elementary School Wednesday morning.

An enthusiastic Principal David Wiggins said, “This is my cup of coffee!” as he welcomed each student with his trademark laughter and high five.

Helping greet the students was Student Resource Officer Rick Thiot. The East Elementary Student Council helped direct traffic, ensuring a smooth drop-off process.

Wiggins said, “We have the best plan and the benefit of not having all the other roads around us. Traffic is over in 20 minutes.”

As the last kids entered the building, he grinned, “Ahhh! That’s the best EVER! The first day, they come in either excited and pumped up and in a couple of weeks start settling in or they come in very nervous and then build up. We only had one that was a little nervous, and momma walked her in but walked back out in five minutes.”

Wiggins said he couldn’t sleep Tuesday night due to the anticipation of a great first day.

“All that summer paperwork we have to do, it’s important,” he smiled, “but this right here, that’s why we are here.”

Cullman City Schools, Cullman County Schools and Sacred Heart School all started back to school Wednesday. St. Bernard Preparatory goes back Aug. 12, Cullman Christian School Aug. 13 and St. Paul’s Lutheran School Aug. 14.

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The East Elementary Student Council poses for a photo Wednesday morning. Left to right are Parker Powell, secretary; Mack David Robertson, treasurer; School Resource Officer Rick Thiot; Cameron Yeager, president; and Sloan Nobinger; vice president. (Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

East Elementary School Principal David Wiggins delivers his trademark high five on the first day of school Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2019. (Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)