Hanceville approves Downtown Improvement Plan


Hanceville Police Officer Tyler Isbell receives a certificate of achievement from Mayor Kenneth Nail after completing APOSTC certification at the Alabama Law Enforcement Academy in Selma. (W.C. Mann for The Cullman Tribune)

HANCEVILLE – On Thursday evening, the Hanceville City Council took the next step in its revitalization efforts with approval of a Downtown Improvement Plan submitted by the North Central Alabama Regional Council of Governments (NARCOG).

NARCOG representative Joey Hester, who attended the council meeting, explained to The Tribune, “The goal is for the plan to serve as a guide for the redevelopment and other improvements for downtown Hanceville.”

Plans are in the works for improvements to all parts of the city, but the plan passed Thursday focused on an area centered roughly on the stretch of U.S. Highway 31 from the Alabama Highway 91 intersection south to Hanceville City Hall, stretching a few blocks in each direction.  The goals, according to the vision statement in the plan shared by Hester, include making Hanceville’s downtown historic, vibrant, entertaining, family-friendly and unique. The plan includes updating development regulations (like zoning regulations and building codes), improving existing building facades, improving transportation infrastructure (streets, sidewalks, parking), creating parks and greenspaces and promoting downtown residential spaces.

The council also presented a certificate of achievement to Hanceville Police Officer William Tyler Isbell, in recognition of his recent completion of Alabama Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission (APOSTC) certification at the Alabama Law Enforcement Academy in Selma.

The council approved a resolution to participate in the state weather preparedness sales tax holiday, Friday, Feb. 22 through Sunday, Feb. 24, 2019.  Exemptions from sales taxes will include many types of batteries, cell phone chargers and batteries, flashlights and lanterns, portable radios, tarps and drop cloths, ice chests, duct tape, plywood, cold packs, first aid kits, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and other items.  See https://revenue.alabama.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/WPHolidayQuickRefSheet19.pdf for more information.

In other business, the council voted to:

  • grant a 10-day extension on an order to clean up property on the intersection of Commercial Street and Bangor Avenue
  • reappoint Waid Smith to a new six-year term on the City Water Board
  • surplus a wrecked fire department car and several old traffic signals
  • annex property on the city’s east side, at the property owner’s request

Mayor Kenneth Nail reminded all present that Hanceville’s Christmas tree lighting will take place in Veterans Park at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 15.

The Hanceville City Council will meet next on Thursday, Dec. 27 at 6 p.m. in the city hall auditorium, with work session at 5:30.  The public is invited to attend.

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