Dodge City discusses little pantry, construction project


Members of the Dodge City Town Council discuss a payment issue with members of a business during Thursday’s town council meeting. (Hayden Hyatt for The Tribune)

DODGE CITY – The Dodge City Town Council met Thursday and discussed the placement of the new little pantry and payment for a construction project, among other agenda items, at its monthly meeting.

Jack's, on Alabama Highway 69 in Dodge City, has given permission to the Town to place a “little pantry” free food pantry on the restaurant’s property. The pantry will be similar to those in Cullman and Good Hope. The little pantry will provide a place to store food donations and a convenient location for those items to be retrieved by community members in need.

The council also discussed payment to a business that was selected to work on a retaining wall for the Dodge City Senior Center. During the course of the project, the business’ insurance lapsed, causing the Town to have to cancel the project.

A representative from the company was present at the meeting and engaged in discussion with the council over payment. There was miscommunication cited by both the council and the business over the original contract. After a long discussion the council finally agreed to the payment of $1,373.75 for the work that had been completed. The council agreed that once the company got re-insured and provided the council with a new contract agreeable to both parties, the Town will rehire the company to complete the job.

Council members approved the Town's financial report. The Town's expenses for July were $46,131.28. The reason for the unusually high amount was $15,700 which was spent on improvements to County Road 236.

Sgt. David Nunn, Dodge City town deputy, had no major incidents to report during his report to the council other than a truck fire that had happened Wednesday.

The council's next meeting will be Sept. 13 at 6 p.m. at the Dodge City Town Hall.

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