Good Hope council adjusts AGCOR land title, investment


Councilmembers Maxie Jones and John Harris with Good Hope Mayor Jerry Bartlett (Nick Griffin for The Tribune)

GOOD HOPE – The Good Hope City Council made a pair of amendments at Monday night’s meeting and passed a new resolution as well.

The council passed Resolutions No. 015-2018 and No. 016-2018 that make amendments to Resolution No. 006-2018. The first amendment deals with the land title for the new AGCOR Steel location. Councilmembers said the land title was mistakenly given to AGCOR; the resolution moves the land title to HBLM, LLC. AGCOR will hold the titles for the equipment and HBLM, LLC will own the land. The separation in ownership is necessary for AGCOR’s tax abatements. The second amendment adjusts the original capital investment from AGCOR for the project. The amendment changes the investment amount from $3.4 million to $4 million.

Resolution No. 014-2018 was tabled for further clarification at the council’s last meeting regarding Kending Keast Collaborative’s Work Order 2, Step No. 1. The council approved the resolution after getting more information on language regarding a new federal law that was passed last year that provides further protections for churches from zoning boards and planning commissions.

The Good Hope City Council’s next meeting will be July 23 at 6:30 p.m. at Good Hope City Hall.

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