Eastern Tiger Swallowtails call Cullman County home. / Paulette H. Ogard
The North Alabama Agriplex continues its Gosse Nature Lecture Series on Tuesday, March 6 with “Butterflies of Alabama.” The butterfly program is free to attend and will be presented by author Paulette H. Ogard at 6 p.m. Ogard will present a photographic program about the intimate lives of Alabama butterflies and how gardens and landscapes can attract and sustain them.
Ogard is the co-author of “Butterflies of Alabama: Glimpses into their Lives” and one of the founders of the online Alabama Butterfly Atlas (www.alabama.butterflyatlas.usf.edu).
Cullman County is filled with butterflies. According to the online Alabama Butterfly Atlas, the elegant Eastern Tiger Swallowtail calls it home, and Monarchs travel through the state during their yearly migration to and from Mexico.
The North Alabama Agriplex’s Gosse Nature Lecture Series about Alabama history, biodiversity and
local authors. Gosse was an Englishman who came to Alabama in 1838 and captured the wonders of Alabama flora and fauna in his paintings. In 1859 he published “Letters from Alabama,” chronicling Alabama nature. The University of Alabama press has published a series of nature guides specific
to Alabama plants and animals. The authors of these books will be presenting free programs and book signings at the Agriplex through July 2018.
Upcoming events in the Gosse series:
- March 6: Butterflies, Paulette H. Ogard
- April 17: Nature Journal, Dr. LJ Davenport
- May 1: Turtles, Dr. Craig Guyer
- June 26: Ferns, Dr. Dan Spaulding
- July 17: Mammals, Dr. Todd Steury
The Gosse Nature Guides are a series of natural history guidebooks prepared by experts on the plants and animals of Alabama and designed for the outdoor enthusiast and ecology layman. Because Alabama is one of the nation’s most biodiverse states, its residents and visitors require accurate, accessible field guides to interpret the wealth of life that thrives within the state’s borders. The Gosse Nature Guides are named to honor Philip Henry Gosse’s early appreciation of Alabama’s natural wealth and to highlight the valuable legacy of his recorded observations. Look for other volumes in the Gosse Nature Guides series at http://uapress.ua.edu.
The North Alabama Agriplex is Heritage Center is located at 1714 Talley Ho St. in Cullman. For more information, visit www.agriplex.org or call 256-297-1044.
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