Independence Day Car Show To Benefit Fairview Marching Band

Nathan Kilgo

FAIRVIEW – On July 4th at Fairview Park, the Fairview Aggie Marching Band will hold its first annual car show. The show will begin at 10 a.m. and go until 2 p.m. The event will also feature music and food vendors.

The car show is being held to raise money for the Fairview Aggie Marching Band so they can buy new uniforms. 

The uniforms the band has now, according to Fairview Band Director Nathan Kilgo are 15 years old. 

“If you get ten years out of a uniform, you’re doing good,” Kilgo said. 

The cost to purchase all new uniforms is $60k, according to Kilgo, but the need for new attire is dire. 

According to Michelle Watwood, an organizer of the car show and the parent of one of the band members, “Mothers are having to use safety pins and tape to fix [the uniforms] before the kids march into the football stadiums before games.”

This significant cost comes a year after the Fairview football team’s stadium was deemed unsuitable for use and condemned. Last year, every game for the Aggies was an away game. 

While Cullman High School allowed Fairview to use its world-class facilities last year, it was still “financially challenging” for the school to have to transport all the equipment each and every week. 

As a result, the Aggies are holding this car show event to raise funds to cover the cost of new uniforms.

For the students in the Fairview Aggie Marching Band, the uniforms are more than just clothing. 

“These kids have endured so much between losing a band member in a tragic car accident in 2014 and loss of their stadium, uniforms will restore their sense of hope,” said Watwood. 

To register or RSVP to the car show, contact Booster President Brian Lodge at

While attending the event will be free, parking will cost $5.

Additionally, there will be fireworks after 3 p.m. provided by Fairview churches. Fairview Park is located at 643 Wesley Ave N, Cullman, AL 35058.