Small Children Reach Large Goal: Mrs. Stidham’s Kindergarten Class Collects 1,003 Box Tops to Win Contest

Sharon Schuler Kreps/CullmanSense

CULLMAN – Young children can make big things happen. Take, for example, Mrs. Stidham’s kindergarten class, also known as the ‘Pony Class’. The group is made up of 17 students, and together, the class collected more Box Tops than all the other classes at the Primary School. As a result, the Ponies will celebrate by having an ice cream party in their classroom.

“We are so excited! Our class collected a total of 1,003 Box Tops,” said Mrs. Stidham, Kindergarten teacher.

“The money from the Box Tops goes directly to our classroom. “Collecting Box Tops is a big fundraiser for the PTO.”

“The kids were very, very excited when they heard they won,” Stidham continued.

“We are going to do a poll and see what we need for the classroom. The kids love to read, so I’m thinking we will probably get new reading books. They are great readers – they are doing a good job reading and a great job at becoming writers!” she smiled.

The students happily explained their technique for gathering Box Tops. The process called for help from their grandmas, grandpas, moms, dads, neighbors and friends. The project proved that this young group of children has a high level of persistence, dedication and a deep love for their school.

Box Tops is one of America’s largest school earnings loyalty programs.

The Box Top logo can be found on hundreds of products. The logo from the package can then be sent to the school of the buyer's choice.

Each Box Top is worth 10¢ for a school, and the schools can use Box Tops cash to buy whatever they need.

Box Tops can be sent to a school anytime. For more information, visit