Cullman County Schools canceled Thursday due to winter weather


CULLMAN – Each day this week parents have waited to hear if their children would be attending school on time, on a delayed schedule, or if their child's classes would be canceled altogether, as was the case Thursday, January 19. 

“In the interest of doing what is best for students and CCBOE employees I will be cancelling school tomorrow. According to the weather briefing that I just received, we will spend the majority of the day in single digit wind chill factors,” Dr. Craig Ross, CCBOE Superintendent, said in a press release.

“The extreme cold temperatures are not safe for our children to be out in. I also do not want teachers and staff to be out in this type of weather either,” he said.

As for Friday, Dr. Ross said conditions could possibly be worse.

“I can assure you we will be on a 2 hour delay Friday, with the possibility of cancelling. I will let you know as soon as possible if we decide to cancel school on Friday,” he said.

Cullman City Schools Superintendent Dr. Griffeth said "We will have regular hours tomorrow since we do not have buses."