Looking Ahead to 2015


CULLMAN – Cullman has seen a lot of changes in only a year’s time. 2014 has been a great year for growth, both economically and within infrastructure. As many have noticed, business is getting bigger and better at almost every end of town, and according to officials, 2015 should be even better. New business and more job growth are both on the horizon.

One of the bigger projects that has been in the works for quite some time and is projected to be finished in the spring is the Duck River Dam project.

“We have a lot of things going that is going to affect a lot of people,” said County Commissioner Garry Marchman. “As the Duck River project progresses, the more funds will go into it, and so water rates will increase. The price that we purchase the water for will go up, and so rates will follow. I can say that it will be as limited as we can and still operate.”

Cullman City Mayor Max Townson also weighed in on the Duck River project, and how it is more than necessary for the future of the city and county. While rates might increase a small amount, it is ensuring water for future generations.

“What people need to realize is that in 2007, we were within months of being without water,” said Townson. “But with this new Duck River project, we can alternate the supply and it should take care of this county for the next 100 years. We don’t have access to the Tennessee River like a lot of other areas. This will ensure that future generations have sufficient water for farming, retail, industrial development and home use.”

As many have seen throughout the city and county’s growth with more and more retail and industrial development occurring, Mayor Townson spoke of his excitement for what is to come in those areas as well.

“If you notice Cullman is really in a boom state,” he said. “Our unemployment is probably one of the lowest in the state. We have expansions going on at Rehau and Cash Acme coming in the next year, as well as research and development centers coming that is really rare to have in a town our size. That will produce higher end jobs in our area. Also, with new retailers like PetSmart, Publix and the new Walmart on 157 we are looking at a lot of new growth and business.”

The new interchange on County Road 222 near Good Hope is another great change coming within the year of 2015. The interchange will make shipments coming to and from some of our biggest industries like Topre America easier, and will also allow for more retail and other industries to grow and thrive.

“I was not here for the start of the new interchange on 222,” said Cullman Commissioner Garry Marchman. “I fully support it though and it is exciting because it will bring a lot of business and support to the area.”

Marchman also spoke about new roadwork projects that are set to take place in the coming year.

“We have some funding from the Alabama Department of Transportation,” said Marchman. “And one of the roads that we will be working on is County Road 1114. We can look at that one and four or five others being paved this summer like County Roads 565, 1435, 1223 and 1101.”

In addition to road work, another form of transportation will be improved upon in the next year and that is our local airport. According to Mayor Townson, maintaining and improving the airport is vital to keeping Cullman ahead of the game.

“We are working toward improving the airport in 2015,” he said. “The airport is essential for industrial development. We have people who fly in from Australia, Japan, Europe and other places. The county and city industrial development boards realize that as well so we will be working together on that.”

Lots of changes are coming to our great county. Constantly growing and improving, this humble town has transformed into a thriving area that others want to move to and live in. There is always work to be done, but as Mayor Townson points out, it is an exciting time to be in Cullman.

“This will be a very exciting year,” said Townson. “Not only for the city council and the mayor, but I believe the citizens are going to be very happy with what transpires in 2015.”

Originally published in the December 29, 2014 issue of CullmanSense print edition.