Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1936 and 1950


From the files of 1950:

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Edwards are announcing the birth of a little daughter.

Editor J.C. Norwood of The Cullman Tribune is suffering from a severe heart attack.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry White are the parents of a son, born last Thursday. He is named John Henry.

Herman Pruett, one of Cullman County’s popular teachers, will be a reader of the Tribune for the year 1936.

Officers for the National Honor Society for this semester have been elected at Cullman County High School. They are President – Marigene Wilhite, Vice- President – Cortez Johnson and secretary – Lila Belle Ponder.

The second issue of the high school paper will be published on Friday.

Cullman Motor Company has a new Chevrolet car for $495. Ad.

Miss Viva Lou Hyatt, age 24, passed away on Monday at Talladega School. She was a victim of pneumonia. Services were at Livingston’s Chapel on Tuesday. She was a sister of Allen Hyatt, Jimmie and Robert Hyatt and Miss Gladys and Alta Hyatt of Trade.

From the files of 1936:

Geraldine Zinsmeister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Zinsmeister of Cullman has completed W.A.F. training at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas and is spending 10 days with her parents.

A city truck caught fire at the city dump last Saturday when it was parked too near a blazing fire.

Lee Yeager, of East Point, has a pear tree in full bloom.

The Reverend A. Wayne Johnson is the new pastor at Longview Church of God.

Mrs. W.H. Harris of Crane Hill died on February 6. She is survived by a brother, Gerald Land and a sister, Mrs. Mary McAfee.

Pretty Odessa Swann is in the hospital from serious burns which she sustained in front of an open grate at her parents (Mr. and Mrs. B.W. Swann) home when her skirt caught fire. Odessa is a senior at Cold Springs High School.

Reverend Sim J. Calvert of Good Hope preached at Bethany on Sunday.

Derlan Harbison has purchased a new pickup.

Earney Shaw and Mary Martin had dinner in Blountsville on Sunday. Mary is a former Holly Pond teacher, who is now at Corner.