Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1936 and 1900


From the files of 1936

Shirley Martin, 14, of Walter, won the county spelling championship on Wednesday. Juanita Thrift, age 13, of White City was runner-up.

Wren Goggans of Berlin has bought a new car.

Carol Dean Bailey is County F.H.A. President.

Billy Edward Johnson has the mumps.

Registered O.I.C. breeding stock for sale. See J.E. White, near Johnson’s Crossing. Ad.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones, Hubert,

A.L. Jones, Aquilla Jones, Nettie and Pansy Jones and Kenneth spent Sunday in Birmingham visiting Mr. and Mrs. Claude Vest.

From the files of 1900

M. Dickerman and son of Chicago are among the recent arrivals at Vinemont.

W.W. Cameron had his water mill wash away last Tuesday at Midway.

Hanceville is booming. It now has five stores, a drugstore, two wagon shops and a blacksmith shop.

Most of the business houses will soon be ready to turn on the new electric lights. Mr. and Mrs. William Richard left last week for a visit to Germany. They will be absent for quite some time.

It is only three weeks until the close of the public school. A splendid drama is being prepared.

Honorable J.J. Curtis and M.F. Parker attended the Republican Convention in Montgomery this week.

T.W. Gray who has been working at Oakman Cove was home on Saturday for a visit.

T.J. Densen will conduct a singing at the West Baptist on the fifth Sunday.

In the County Democratic Primary on Monday, the following were nominated:

S.J. Griffin, Representative; J.A. McConnell, Treasurer; A.J. York, Sheriff;

J.J. Fowler, Tax Collector; S.H. Herrin, Tax Assessor; T.M. Wilhite, Superintendent of Education; Carl Henckell, Third and W.H. Morgan, First District Board of Revenue. Senator Morgan carried the county two to one over Johnston, while Samford carried the county almost solidly.

A banquet was given by the Knights of Pythias on Tuesday at the New Commercial Hotel.

John Sutterer, Chairman and E.B. Wallace, Secretary, announce a meeting of the Republican Executive Committee at Kullman Hall on April 21.