Veteran Memorial: Lowell Ervin Stricklin and Lt. Lawrence Winfield Stricklin 

L - Lt. Lawrence Winfield Stricklin R - Lowell Ervin Stricklin (Photos from

Lowell Ervin Stricklin  

Lowell E. Stricklin was born April 6, 1917 in Cullman County to Richard and Audie (Moore) Stricklin. He enlisted in the Army and served during World War II. He would leave behind a wife, Dovie Alice (Self) Stricklin.  

On August 20, 1943, Stricklin is listed as being onboard the USS Gemini in Reykjavik, Iceland enroute to England and France. In January 1944, he would be hospitalized until sometime in February with a severe case of the flu. Later, in August 1944, records show Stricklin receiving sutures for artillery shell fragments to his face.  

Then, in August 1944, he would die of wounds he received to his spine/trunk as he fought in France. In an article in the Cullman Tribune September 28, 1944, it was reported that:  

“S/Sgt Lowell E, Stricklin died on August 7 in France as the result of wounds received in action. According to a message received by his wife, Mrs. Dovie Stricklin of Route 1 Cullman. He had been in military service in Iceland, England and France. For wounds he received on July 18 he had been presented the Purple Heart.”  

Lowell Stricklin is now buried at Valley Spring Church Cemetery in Good Hope. He is also memorialized at Cullman’s Veterans Memorial Park.  

Lt. Lawrence Winfield Stricklin  

Lawrence Stricklin was born April 21, 1922 in Cullman County and served during World War II. He was the son of Elmer and Mary Annie (Childers) Stricklin and they called Brushy Pond home. Before leaving for the War, he married his wife Synthia Kilgo and they had one son.  

Stricklin was part of the 1st Infantry Division and rose to the rank of First Lieutenant. He was the Company Commander of Company B, 16th Infantry Regiment of the “famous fighting first division.” He was eventually awarded the Silver Star for his actions in battle near Munsterbusch, Germany on September 18, 1944. The citation for his Silver Star reads: 

“When his platoon was subjected to intense enemy crossfire, Lt. Stricklin fearlessly crossed exposed terrain and, contacting friendly armor, coordinated and led an attack against the foe and neutralized a number of German fortifications. Lt. Stricklin’s gallant leadership and his tactical skill contributed immeasurably to his organization’s breakthrough of the Siegfried Line.”  

On April 18, 1945, Stricklin was killed in action near Rubenland, Germany. For his gallant actions on April 18, an Oak Leaf Cluster was added to his Silver Star.  

Lt. Lawrence Stricklin is now buried at Addington Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery in Cold Springs. He is also memorialized at Cullman’s Veterans Memorial Park.  

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