Editorial: 2020 hasn’t been all bad

Christy Perry

This year has seemed longer than others, and it’s hard to believe that J. Lo and Shakira’s Super Bowl halftime performance was less than a year ago. Remember when THAT was the craziest thing about 2020? Looking back at 2020 could be a stroll down gloomy lane for some, but for others it could easily be the year we learned to appreciate the simple things. For years, I have heard people express how they wish they could slow down, enjoy more time at home and spend more time with their families. Well, in that aspect, 2020 certainly delivered, and for the introverts, it was their year to shine!

I am certainly not downplaying the fact that this year has been tough. I know there are many who are hurting, who have lost family members and/or loved ones and have struggled in so many ways. It hasn’t been easy, but there are also positives.


Sure, they have been the subject of many debates and there are just going to be folks who hate them and refuse to wear them, but it’s not all bad. Hiding your face and being able to scamper about without being recognized-what’s not to like? It’s perfect when you want to get in and out of a store in your pajama pants and not be stopped. I get it- it’s a pain to get to the door at Publix only to realize you left your mask in the car, but so is changing out of your binge-watching pants just to restock on Little Debbie’s.

Breath not so fresh? No make-up? Cold sore? No worries! The mask literally has you covered! Throw on a great hat with that mask and you are totally incognito!

Social media

Yeah, it can be terrible, but it can also be a lot of fun. This year, more than ever, memes helped us laugh. “The Tiger King” made us feel better about our own lives and Brad Mondo made us feel like we could do just about anything with our hair. Tabitha Brown inspired us and reminded us that it’s cool to be kind, and we all felt a little less alone thanks to the fabulous Leslie Jordan.

We learned about contouring and the perfect smoky eye from Bailey Sarian, Jamie French and James Charles, often while hearing about some deranged serial killer. Let’s not forget the Baby Yoda and that angry woman yelling at the white cat. Perhaps a bit silly, but we needed some silly considering all of the absurd.

Social distancing

Quite frankly, this should have always been a thing. There is something glorious about not having people in your personal space. Plague or no plague- this is a positive that should be adhered to forever in public spaces.

The neighbors

Many remember a time when we knew our neighbors. We knew about their families and how “mama’n’em” were doing. We knew their children and their pets. In 2020, our worlds became smaller and we became more aware of those next door. We checked on them and asked if they needed any toilet paper. We made sure the widow two doors down had everything she needed. We took care of one another and friendships were made.

The kids

All joking aside, spending time at home with the family has been the best part of this crazy year. Prior to 2020, we were always running here and there, or my teenagers had plans every night. At first, it was tough with school being virtual and worrying about how my senior would react to the abrupt end. He was fine, graduation happened, and the Class of 2020 will always be remembered. Next up, another senior in the Class of 2021. Young people are resilient and have handled the curveballs thrown their way with ease. Admire these young people because they have managed to persevere and done so brilliantly.


No concerts, no movies, no gatherings! Sure, these things were missed, but it also forced us to have conversations with those sitting in the room with us. Sometimes being entertained takes away from our own creativity. This year, we had to entertain ourselves, and by doing so, shared experiences and conversations have strengthened and enriched us. We are no longer ships passing in the night; we are families playing games together, visiting parks together and families checking in on other family, neighbors and loved ones.

There are so many beautiful moments that come when the background noise is silenced, and we appreciate what is right in front of us. For me, it was time spent with my 18-year-old son and 17-year-old daughter and the closeness we have achieved during the pandemic. Because of that, 2020 has been one of the greatest years of our lives.

It’s easy to get bogged down in the crazy political drama and the COVID-19 mayhem. Stay informed, but don’t get obsessed. There is so much going on in our lives right now that is beautiful and memorable: a reset to the way things should be and learning to look for those silver linings. When you look back years from now, I hope you have made amazing memories and have funny stories to tell about this strange time.

Here’s to 2020 and an even better 2021.


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