Files from Yesteryear: 1937


From The Files Of 1937:


October 13 – David M. Morgan,, 36, to Cordelia Harper, 34 and Floyd Chaney, 24, to Molly Roberts, 18.

October 14 – Elzie Thomas, 21, to  Ruby Stone, 22 and Valent Vail Meigs, 20, to Pauline Thompson.

October 15 – Verlie Parker, 28, to Ottie Williamson, 21; R.V. Fowler, 21, to I.V. Smith, 17 and Willis Moore, 26, to Leathie Belle Smith, 18.

October 16 – W.A. Shannon, 27, to Mattie B. Bowen, 28; William D. Allen, 17, to Audie Howse, 18; William Cranston Butter, 21, to Thurolene Shoemaker, 19; Ervin McClendon, 19, to Mrs. Evalee Tolbert Doss, 18; Herman Glenn Scott, 20, to Thelma Nicholas, 20; Bervin Henry Stricklin, 21, to Lillian McCormick, 18; Andrew Phillips, 23, to Era Putnam, 23; Leon Cryer, 18, to Coy Carr, 18; James Curtis Johnson, 21, to Mary Lela Price, 22 and Troy Wright, 37, to Virginia Stanley Hovatter, 37.

October 19 – (colored) Almer Paton, 34, to Zella Smith, 30.

Fairview School News

The clubs are as follows:

The girls Physical Education Club, which has twenty-three members and whose purpose is to obtain standards of physical and health education. The officers of the club are: Sponsor, Miss Anabel Cox; President, Evelyn Harris; Vice-President, Aletha Glasscock and Secretary and Treasurer, Dorothy Speegle.

The Book Lovers Club has fourteen members and its purpose is to “acquaint ourselves with good book and authors.” The officers are: Sponsor, Miss Lula Larmore; President, Mary Frances Livingston; Vice-President, Dorothy Clare Moore and Secretary and Treasurer, Lillian Hunt.

The Hi-Y Club, with twenty members, whose purpose is to “develop and maintain leadership.” The officers are: Sponsor, Mr. F.L. Temple; President, George Reed; Vice-President, Grady Patterson and Secretary and Treasurer, Bernard Petty.

The Future Homemakers of America has a membership of eighteen and its purpose is to “prepare better rounded and more efficient homemakers.” The officers are: Sponsor, Miss Effie Lou Gaines; President, Louise Nunnelley; Vice- President, Ruby Chandler and Secretary and Treasurer, Willie Lee Spencer.

The Future Farmers of America has a membership of 27 and its purpose is “to develop competent aggressive, rural and agricultural leadership. The officers are: Advisor, Mr. Felton Mullins; President,

Calvin Lovorn; Vice-President, Haskell Pinkerton; Secretary, Howard Craft; Treasurer, Herman Plunkett and Reporter, Dolphus Eddleman.

The Nature Club, which has twenty- four members and whose purpose is to “become acquainted with native wild flowers, birds, trees, insects and animals.” The Nature Club is newly formed and no officers have been elected yet.

The Glee Club is different in nature from the above in that it meets twice weekly on Tuesday and Thursday morning. It has 85 members and its purpose is to encourage an appreciation of better music. Its officers are: Sponsor, Miss Annabel Cox; President, O.P. Cummings; Vice-President,  Evelyn Harris and Secretary and Treasurer, Allien Oliver.