Files from Yesteryear: 1917 and 1940


From the Files of 1917:

Mrs. J.J. Davis is in Hartselle at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. W.C. Summers, who is very ill.

W.S. Thomas and E.G. Thomas, of Trade, are visiting relatives in Gadsden this week.

Mr. and Mrs. E.I. Daly entertained on Friday, at a 6:00 p.m. dinner party, honoring Doctor Charles Lane, who later that evening gave a lecture at the courthouse.

H.H. Meech, the paint brush artist, celebrated his 81st birthday last week.

Doctor and Mrs. W.D. Powell, of Louisville, Kentucky, have arrived to visit their daughter, Mrs. W.P. Wilks.


From the Files of 1940:

Grandview News

Gee! We were all surprised to see 13.2 inches of snow. There were many beautiful scenes as a result.

Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Bibb and children, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Tubbs.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chambers were the weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Addison.

Mr. Harless Quattlebaum and sons, Onas and Jackie, were the guests, on Friday, of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Phillips.

Mrs. Oredea Quattlebaum was a visitor on Sunday afternoon of the Tubbs and Bibbs.

Due to the condition of the roads, Mr. Robert Knight was delayed on part of his mail route this week.

Mr. Harless Quattlebaum spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. H.R. Lowery.

The Addisons and Chambers, of this community, spent Sunday in Crane Hill.

A very large crowd attended the third Sunday singing at Bethsadia on the last third Sunday.

Mr. H.E. Russell and Troy Easton motored to Cullman, through the snow on last Thursday morning.

It is hoped, in this community, that the school buses will be able to make the regular run soon.

For several years it has been customary for the Alabama Extension Service to issue certificates to those who have suitable proficiency in terracing, to qualify as a practical terrace. There were eleven farmers who qualified for this honor during the year 1939. They are: W.J. Smith, L.M. Nuss and Cortis Nuss, all of Route Three Cullman; Marvin Grizzard, Route Eight Cullman; Clyde Johnston, Route Two Cullman; Clyde Sharpton, Route One Logan; Glenn Holmes, Route Two Vinemont; J.E. White, Route One Holly Pond; Floyd Bice, Route One Steppville; J.P. Glenn, Route Six Cullman and Douglas Hart, Route Five Cullman.

Cullman Route Five News

Mrs. Welcome Duke and little Jackie Wunderlick are on the sick list this week.

Mr. O.D. Stubbs and Opal Gamble were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. James Cole.

Miss Vera Manor came home on Sunday to spend the day with her parents.

Miss Effie and Melba Cole and Vinell Kelley were the Sunday evening guests of Miss Vera Maner.

Mr. R.R. Cole, from Millville, is spending several weeks with his brother, Mr. D.E. Cole.

Mr. and Mrs. Luke Taylor spent Sunday with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Winn.

Sunday School is held every Sunday, at 10:00 a.m., at Mount Zion Church. Church services are at 11:00 o’clock and 7:00 o’clock on each third and fourth Sunday.


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