Files from yesteryear: 1930


From the files of 1930

Presidents of the various organizations on the Cullman County High School campus are Boys Council – Juel Lee, Girls Council – Myrtle Wise, Senior Class – Carl Peinhardt, Junior Class – Nelle Hurston, Sophomore Class – Bruce Wallace, Freshman Class – Goline Allen, Jefferson Literacy Society – Grace Martin, Websterian Literary Society – Carl Stiefelmeyer, Literary Society A – William Henry Ziegler, Literary Society B – Ila Lee, Debating Club – Evelyn Blackburn, Hi-Y Club – Fred Buchmann, Girl Reserves – Grace Martin, Honor Society – Juel Lee, Boy’s C Club – Carl Peinhardt, Girls C Club – Cyril Edwards, Tennis Club – Carl Stiefelmeyer and French Club – June Oldacre.

Mrs. Max Oeser was honored at a party on her 74th birthday on Sunday.

Enrolled at Jacksonville Teacher’s College from Cullman are Howard Corbin, Gladys Alldredge, Venerable Graves, Homer Haynes, Marshall Denson Jones, Herman Livingston, Merle Trammell, Larkin Yates, Mary Keaton and Marjorie Thompson.

Mrs. W.J. Cottingham spent Tuesday in Birmingham.

Cullman defeated Hartselle, 13 to 6, on Saturday here.

Gold Ridge School had an enrollment of 171 students in 1930. Among new citizens at Gold Ridge were the A.L. Sanders family, a helpful neighbor and good farmer who bought the Miss Lula Golden farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Johnson announce the arrival of a baby boy at their home.

The quilting given by Mrs. Etta Dunlap on Monday afternoon was greatly enjoyed by the ladies at Hamby’s Chapel.

Mrs. John H. Holmes entertained the Ladies Aid last Wednesday afternoon with a large social.

Fred E. James was Chairman of the Cullman County Board of Registrars in 1930. This was the last time voters would be given a change to register for two years.

W.E. James and Jerman Stewart formed a law partnership for the practice of a law in civil matters.

Miss Freda Steindorff, Mrs. Margaret Ziegler and Doctor S.B. Beiker were death victims on January 16, 1930.

Harvey Hendrix and Miss Holt, a teacher at Simcoe, were riding Sunday afternoon.

The weather at Simcoe was nine degrees on January 20, 1930. Hearty souls weren’t they?