City Sanitation announces green waste material service change

By: ,
City of Cullman

Starting March 6th, to ensure compliance with the EPA’s Environmental Regulations Concerning Inert Landfills, the Sanitation/Recycling Department will not pick up grass, leaves, or other green waste materials bagged in non-biodegradable plastic bags. Residents who bag their waste materials (grass, leaves, etc.) must use biodegradable bags.  

The Sanitation Superintendent Sam Dillender said the reason for the switch is because the city currently utilizes an inert landfill to dispose of the green waste (grass, tree limbs, leaf etc.) material, and plastic bags are not permitted to be placed at the facility per new EPA/ADEM Regulations. Dillender also said that there will be a grace period and the department will not impose a bulk charge for the bags until March 21st, 2023. 

Dillender wants the residents of the city to know that by bagging their green waste, they are helping keep material out of the storm drains which helps prevent flooding and helps keep our waterways clean. 

In addition to these new changes, beginning June 1, 2023, the City of Cullman will be offering cardboard recycling service for their commercial sanitation customers.  

For more information on either topic, residents can view both of the informational fliers on the City of Cullman Municipal Government Facebook page ( and on the Sanitation and Recycling website ( or by calling the Sanitation Department directly at 256-737-7560.

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